African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

93 power and fostering relationships with traditional and non-traditional partners, which the Bank will work actively to achieve, are as follows: u i. To create an exponential impact on climate change and green growth through the African Development Bank’s partnerships, the Bank will: a. Expand and cement the partnerships with institutions that bring together comparative advantages and complementary capacities — such as the GCA’s Africa Office —by undertaking substantive activities and producing concrete outputs. Private sector capacity-building training is an example of such an output. b. Strengthen and regularly activate partnerships with the African Union, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment, NEPAD-African Union Development Agency (AUDA), the African Climate Policy Centre, UNECA, the World Meteorological Organization, other UN agencies, the Global Green Growth Institute, and the European Commission. The Bank will enhance already fruitful collaborations like the Africa Adaptation Initiative, ClimDev Africa, the Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa, and the Global Framework for Climate Services; and build on prior results. c. Continue to strengthen partnerships with other MDBs and international financial institutions. d. Explore and develop new partnerships with governments and companies beyond Africa, particularly with a view towards technology transfer and guidance and advice on the best available technologies. e. Explore and develop new partnerships with governments and companies within Africa’s more technologically advanced countries, which could anchor green growth at a regional scale, develop low-carbon and green technologies well-suited for the African context, and orient towards technology transfer, guidance, and advice to other less economically developed African countries. f. Explore and develop new strategic and high impact partnerships with knowledge institutions, knowledge hubs, researchers, universities, academia, civil society organizations, and third sector institutions in African countries. This will support their role in promoting good governance and robust national policy and action on climate change and green growth at the country level. g. Engage with initiatives and partners to strengthen the internal knowledge capacity of the Bank such as the UNDP’s Biodiversity Finance Initiative. h. Establish a formal dialogue and partnership with the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) focused on leveraging the AfCFTA to promote climate change and green growth-oriented investments and trade within Africa. u ii. To drive thought leadership and knowledge generation, including through its strategic partnerships, the Bank will: a. Strengthen partnerships with knowledge institutions, knowledge hubs, universities, and academia in African countries, with a focus on thought leadership and knowledge generation for climate change and green growth, and to promote innovation and enhancement of Africa’s intellectual capital on climate change and green growth. b. Expand the membership and substantive activities of collaborative platforms including (but not limited to) the Africa Nationally Determined Contributions Hub, the ADRiFi program, and the AFAC, to facilitate greater best-practice dissemination and knowledge-sharing. c. Record the use and on-the-ground implementation of best practices and knowledge exchanged through these platforms, and track the utility and value-add of these knowledge networks. d. Produce and publish at least two major thought leadership knowledge products a year that strengthen the understanding of pressing climate change and green growth issues. The aim will be to directly inform evidencebased policy, planning, institutional, finance, investment, budgeting, and MERL decisions by African countries on climate change and green growth. Where feasible, such knowledge products will contain a special emphasis on regional integration investments. e. Support African countries with more user-friendly decision-support tools to integrate climate change considerations in investment planning and budgeting. u iii. To make the benefits of the African Development Bank’s investments more inclusive, and to expand the involvement of women, girls, young entrepreneurs, and other vulnerable or marginalized groups in climate-smart and green innovations, the Bank will: a. Undertake a baseline assessment of previous efforts to promote women, girls, youth, and marginalized populations’ inclusion in the Bank’s activities and investments. This will allow for a better understanding of where the gaps are and how to devise women, girls, youth, and marginalized groups’ inclusion approaches in the Bank’s climate change and green growth initiatives beyond the business-as-usual methods (such as training modules or workshops). Green growth in Africa — current initiatives and future developments