African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

95 b. Develop guidelines for portfolio, program, and project managers to identify on a case-by-case basis the vulnerable groups and marginalized populations relevant to each investment or activity, to ensure that when measures to strengthen inclusivity in each such context are developed, the Bank is able to adopt and demonstrate a context-specific ‘Leave No One Behind’ approach. c. Strengthen the foundation of climate change and green growth knowledge among women, girls, youth, and marginalized populations through targeted investments in formal and informal education, such as: integration of climate change and environmental issues in school curricula— particularly Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects; development of specialized climate change-related degree programs and short courses in higher education institutions like universities; and use of informal educational channels to raise awareness through the media, social networks, partnerships, and associations (including but not limited to engagement through social media platforms, drama, poetry, and the creative arts). This will also be done in a manner that reduces the intracontinental regional skill gaps on climate change and green growth. d. Provide business development, business incubation, business acceleration, business promotion, and scale-up support to climate-responsive and green business start-ups by women, youth, and marginalized populations to de-risk such start-ups. e. Support the development of innovative, high quality, gendertransformative bankable projects mainstreaming in African countries’ NDCs, NAPs, and related adaptation strategies. f. Support the identification and strengthening of national institutions to access climate funds such as the Adaptation Fund, the GCF, and the GEF for gender-transformative climate change initiatives. g. Prioritize climate change and green growth investments by women, youth, and marginalized populations to receive project preparation grants and technical assistance. h. Increase the proportion of women, girls, youth, and marginalized populations among target beneficiaries of investments, at project and activity scale, measurable through outputs and outcomes. i. Design and develop, through collaborative efforts between the Climate Change and Green Growth Department and units within the Bank that have a mandate on the youthtargeted program. The aim will be to create a special space for Africa’s young population to voice concerns on and engage with climate change and green growth. This will include (but not be limited to) periodic forums at national and regional levels. This will encourage youth dialogue on climate change and green growth in order to inform and feed information into country strategy papers and regional integration strategy papers. j. Develop green growth financing models and products specifically targeting youth and specially tailored to the financial profile of young borrowers. k. Regularise the use of the Bank’s checklist for mainstreaming gender and climate change and ensure that all of the Bank’s operations across the entire project cycle address the climategender nexus. Institutional and RMC capacity enhancement The need for selectivity in the Bank’s strategic priorities on climate change and green growth also has implications for African countries. Over time, the Bank will be in a position to focus the most on areas where it has the strongest comparative advantage if its interventions are complemented by robust technical, governance, and financial capacity in African countries. With this long-term perspective, the Bank strategically supports the creation and enrichment of the climate change and green growth enabling environment in countries. Furthermore, for the Bank to adopt a more stringent approach to policy-based lending, it first needs to ensure African countries have the administrative and governance wherewithal to develop and adopt appropriately rigorous policies, including those that adequately serve the aims of the Paris Agreement. Thus, greater resources will also have to be mobilized for and directed towards strengthening and thereafter implementing African countries’ climate change commitments in the form of NDCs, NAPs, and LTSs (including mainstreaming them into countries’ national development plans). At present, the Bank assists countries in filling gaps in their institutional and administrative functions, technical Green growth in Africa — current initiatives and future developments