African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

99 g. Provide annual training to regional offices on the integration of climate change and green growth into programs, projects, and initiatives in their region related to emergency response and post-disaster recovery. This will strengthen the capacity of key institutions in African countries to mainstream climate change and green growth into national efforts to ‘build back better’ in a crisis management, post-disaster recovery or post emergency context. This will include programs that link finance for disaster management to delivery mechanisms or channels that promote socio-economic resilience. h. Provide annual training to relevant Bank staff on innovative financial instruments to ensure that the mechanisms are deployed effectively. i. Support knowledge creation and the provision of knowledge services to relevant Bank staff, including annual training on Paris alignment for climate change and the conceptual framework for green growth. u iii. To support African countries in mobilizing higher volumes of climate finance, access international funds, establish green funds, deploy domestic finance for climate change and green growth action, and bring more climate change and green growth investments to bankability, the Bank will: a. Provide greater advisory services and technical assistance to public and private actors in African countries, including but not limited to investment pipeline development, through the following: • Assistance on project origination: guiding African countries to identify investments in different sectors that are eligible for or qualify as climate change adaptation, mitigation, or green growth investments. • Assistance on project concept development: guiding African countries to undertake early-stage project conceptualization and structuring for climate change adaptation, mitigation, or green growth investments. • Assistance on project appraisal: guiding African countries to design and deliver technical studies required for project preparation, such as prefeasibility studies, feasibility studies, environmental and social impact assessments, climate change risk and vulnerability assessments, greenhouse accounting studies, cost-benefit analyses, and transaction advisory. • Assistance on project proposal development: guiding African countries to prepare robust investment proposals for climate change adaptation, mitigation, and green growth investments, and ensuring bankability of such investments. b. Provide greater advisory services and technical assistance to governments to develop and operationalize domestic market-based and non-market based mechanisms for climate change and green growth resource mobilization — including, but not limited to, carbon pricing and carbon taxes, where appropriate and reflective of African countries’ needs and priorities. c. Enhance the Bank’s regional staff capacity with the addition of a climate finance resource mobilization officer in each region, and increase climate finance staff at the country level where feasible. d. Enhance the Bank’s regional staff capacity with the addition of a climate change project preparation advisor in each region. e. Increase staffing numbers and capacity in regional hubs, and work towards an expanded country presence, to include more specialists with a mandate and technical background on green growth. f. Provide training at six-monthly intervals to regional Bank staff who directly support African countries on integrating climate change adaptation, mitigation, and green growth considerations into investment planning. Special emphasis will be placed on the integration of climate finance criteria in investment design and development. u iv. To strengthen institutional capacity in African countries — in national governments and key financial institutions — to develop progressive, inclusive, and effective climate change and green growth policies, including domestic and international commitments, the Bank (a trusted advisor to African countries on policy) will: a. Increase grant funding for climate change mainstreaming and capacitybuilding initiatives in governments and key financial institutions, bearing in mind countries’ different national circumstances and levels of need. b. Provide annual training to ministries of finance or treasury departments and principal budgeting officials on developing and implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation budget coding and tracking. c. Ensure that African countries establish and operationalize specific anti-corruption controls on climate finance, including through codevelopment with the Bank where necessary, to prevent the loss of confidence by climate funders and thereby the undermining of climate finance flows to the continent. d. Increase grant funding for activities linked to global climate change, biodiversity, land degradation, and environmental negotiations to support countries in engaging with and Green growth in Africa — current initiatives and future developments