African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

102 African Development Bank — Advancing Climate Change Action and Green Growth in Africa h. Establish indicators for biodiversity and land degradation neutrality cobenefits of projects. u vi. To leverage synergies to improve tracking, measurement, and reporting of climate and gender outcomes, the Bank will: a. Strengthen and update climate change mainstreaming tools and guidelines along the lines of the Bank’s gender mainstreaming tools and guidelines, applying — where relevant — similar principles for institution-wide dissemination, training, and adoption. u vii. To reduce the Bank’s own resource footprint (including carbon footprint), consistent with the principles of its Climate Change and Green Growth Policy, the Bank will: a. Develop an internal institutional transformation strategy for elevating climate compatibility and green growth in the Bank’s own operations. The internal institutional transformation strategy will cover all aspects of the Bank’s operations (including but not Babacar Diagne is a farmer living with his father, mother, wife and seven children in Netion, Senegal. The increase in the volume of water on Lake Guiers has had a major impact on the family’s life: before they grew one crop per farming season and now they grow almost three, significantly boosting earnings