African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

103 limited to real estate, transportation fleet, energy consumption, treasury investments, travel emissions etc.), and manifest the Bank’s commitment to the MDBs’ joint framework for alignment with the Paris Agreement. This will include developing and undertaking the following initiatives: • An institutional framework for green growth and climate change, including options for the accountability framework and measures such as progress reports. • A framework for monitoring and reporting on the Bank’s operational footprints for carbon emissions, resource use (water, materials), and waste generation. • Strengthened staffing commitments to support a team of climate change and green growth champions across the Bank, including in regional offices. b. Conduct an audit or assessment, as needed, to establish its baseline resource use (water, materials, energy, waste generation) and its institutional water and carbon footprints to better understand its consumptive patterns and volumes. c. Prepare an institutional transformation strategy that targets the African Development Bank’s operations to reduce resource use, make it more efficient, and move towards a future net-zero footprint. In terms of the Bank’s carbon footprint, the strategy will align with Building Block 6 under the MDBs’ joint framework for alignment with the Paris Agreement to decarbonise the Bank’s operations and move towards a net-zero-carbon institutional impact by 2025. This also includes aligning Bank travels, procurement, pensions, and treasury funds with Paris Agreement goals. d. Develop a results framework with a relevant monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning system to track its performance against strategic goals and targets. e. Adopt an accountability framework that ensures regular progress reports and sharing of where and why progress was achieved or was stymied. Green growth in Africa — current initiatives and future developments Utilization of Solar and Wind Energy for Rural Water Supply in Ethiopia. Teacher Tamene Mengistu runs students through their lessons, who have more time to study now that they are spending less time fetching water thanks to wind powered water pumps provided through a program funded by the African Development Bank The Bank will increase grant funding and technical assistance to African countries to strengthen their NDCs, NAPs, and LTSs, and mainstream them into national development plans, ensuring the consistency of such instruments with the Paris Agreement’s global targets