African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

24 African Development Bank — Advancing Climate Change Action and Green Growth in Africa different scenarios developed by experts show that the current crisis could increase the population under the poverty line by 14 to 22 million people worldwide, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa (Vos et al, 2020). ILO further estimated that there would be between 9 and 35 million new working poor in developing countries by the end of 2020 (ILO, 2020). Health and education SDGCA & SDSN (2019) indicate that about 80% of African countries have not made adequate progress towards SDG 3 (good health and wellbeing). The countries that are faring best include Algeria, Libya, Mauritius, Morocco, and Tunisia (SDGCA & SDSN, 2019). While life expectancy at birth is steadily increasing across the continent (in 2017, it was 62 years in Central Africa and 65 years in Southern Africa), in most countries healthy life expectancy is not increasing at the same pace. For example, Sub-Saharan Africa has overcome the devastating AIDS epidemic that ravaged the region from the 1990s until the mid-2000s, and life expectancy at birth has increased by more than nine years in the past three decades. However, 14% of total life expectancy has been found to be spent in poor health. Women are found to have more poor-health years than men (GBD, 2018). Unsurprisingly, a high number of unhealthy life-years is linked to higher income inequality (even if a country has a high average GDP per capita). Indeed, when adjustments were made for the effects of inequality, HDI values were significantly reduced in high-GDP per capita countries with high income inequality, such as Angola, Namibia, and South Africa (UN Data, 2019). In addition, inequality in access to education was frequently found to contribute even more towards reduced HDI outcomes than health and income inequality. The extent of gender inequality in education varies Africa Clean Energy Corridors Libya Egypt Sudan Ethiopia Djibouti Rwanda Kenya Uganda Burundi Malawi Mozambique Eswatini Lesotho South Africa Botswana Namibia Angola Zambia Zimbabwe Democratic Republic of Congo United Republic of Tanzania