African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

54 African Development Bank — Advancing Climate Change Action and Green Growth in Africa Accordingly, the Bank will deploy a range of strategic means, including mobilizing Africa’s private sector, and harnessing advanced and cutting-edge technology and innovation to propel economies to low-carbon and climateresilient futures. This will be done by leveraging the Bank’s convening power and partnerships to have a multiplier effect, and drawing on its understanding of Africa’s governance and institutional systems to strengthen capacity. The commitment to Paris alignment also accentuates the need for the Bank to adopt robust and transparent methods for tracking and reporting the Bank’s progress on its climate change and green growth targets. To ensure their systemic and thorough inclusion throughout the Bank’s activities, each climate-related measure or intervention should be introduced as early as possible within its given context (e.g., screening being undertaken at the project design stage; and climate discussions featuring in initial country and regional strategy design processes in alignment with country’s long-term strategies and NDCs). Our progress on Paris alignment must be accomplished in a manner that reflects the singular and unprecedented nature of the climate change crisis, land degradation, and biodiversity loss. It will also reflect the principles of a just transition towards a decarbonised future; empower women, girls, youth, and other vulnerable and marginalized groups; reduce fragility in Africa through the generation of sustainable livelihoods and green jobs; and offer flexible approaches and processes for different African countries in relation to their vastly different contexts, capacities, and climate change challenges and priorities. This is an ambitious agenda, but the Bank is well-placed to undertake it, guided by the strategic actions in this strategy, and the action plan that translates this strategy into clear and measurable steps for the coming years. Commitments under the new strategic framework Most African countries have low historical contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in terms of fossil fuelrelated emissions. For the majority of African countries, emissions from land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) represent a dominant share of emissions profiles. Nevertheless, in furtherance of African countries’ commitments to the Paris Agreement— including the long-term goal of limiting the average global temperature rise to well below 2°C (and ideally to 1.5°C)—African nations have opted to move towards gradual decarbonisation and to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving and sustaining CLIMATE AND GREEN GROWTH STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK: PROJECTING AFRICA’S VOICE STRATEGY 2021–2030 The Bank will refore, redoub e its efforts o collaborat with lobal sources of climate fina ce, inclu ing other MDBs, to mobilize the level of funding necessary for Paris alignment to be c lerated in Africa. Accordingly, the B nk will eploy a range of strategic means, including mobilizing Africa’s privat sector, and harnessi g advanced nd cutting-e ge technology and innovation to prop l economies to low-ca bon and climate-resili nt f tur s. This will be done by leveraging the Bank’s co ve ing p wer and partnerships to have a multipli r effect, and drawing on its understanding of Africa’ governance and institutional systems to strength n capa ity. The commitment to Paris alignm also accentuates the nee he Bank to adop robust and transparent method for tracking and reporting the Bank’s pro ess on its climate change and g en growth targets. To ensure t eir sy temic and o ough inclusion throughout the Bank’s activities, each l materelated measure or inte vention should be introduced as early as possible within its given context ( .g., screen g being undertaken at the project design stage; and climate discussions f aturing in initial country and regional strategy design process s in lignm nt with country’s long-term strategies and NDCs). Our progress on Pari alignment must be ccomplis ed in a manner that reflects the singular r cedented nature of the limate change crisis, land degradation, nd biodiversity loss. It will also reflect the principles of a just transition towards a decarbonized future; empower wome , girls, youth, and other vulnerable and marginalized groups; r duce fragility in Africa throug the generatio of sustainabl livelihoods and green jobs; and offer flexible approaches and processes for different African count ies in relati to their vastly differe t contexts, capaciti a d climate hange challenges and priorities. This i a ambitious agenda, but the Bank is well-p aced to undertake it, guided by the strategic actions in this strategy, and the action plan th t translates this str tegy into clear and measurable steps for the coming years. Figure 6: MDBs’ building blocks approach to Paris alignment (Joint MDB working group on Paris alignment) 1 Alignment with Mitigation Goals • Operations consistent with national low-emissions development pathways and compatible with objectives of the Paris Agreement 2 Adaptation and Climate-Resilient Operations • Operations systematically screened for climate resilience • Support increase in clients’ ability to adapt to climate change 3 Accelerated Contribution to the Transition Through Climate Finance • Further scale up climate finance, operationalize new approaches to support NDCs, and accelerate realization of ambitions agreed under UNFCCCC and in line with science-based evidence identified by IPCC 4 Strategy, Engagement and Policy Development • Develop new services to support clients putting in place long-term strategies for low-emissions and climate-resilient development while ensuring consistency with SDGs 5 Reporting • Develop tools and methods for characterizing, monitoring and reporting on Paris-aligned activities. 6 Align Internal Activities • Progressively ensure that internal operations, including facilities and other internal policies, are in line with the Paris Agreement. MDBs’ building blocks approach to Paris alignment (Joint MDB working group on Paris alignment)