African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

72 African Development Bank — Advancing Climate Change Action and Green Growth in Africa make decisions. Findings from the NDC adaptation review conducted by the Bank highlighted the need for information, processes, capacity, and networks which are able to address multiple sectors. Feed Africa The CCAP2 has the target of Africa having a cereal yield of 2.2 tonnes per hectare by 2020 and the Bank has the target of Africa reaching 2.8 tonnes per hectare in 2025. Little progress appears to have been made towards achieving these ambitious targets. There are fluctuations across each of the Bank’s regions. Of those regions, North Africa has the highest cereal yield at around 3 tonnes per hectare. Southern Africa fluctuates around the CCAP2 target of 2.2 tonnes per hectare. Other regions have yields of between 1 and 2 tonnes per hectare. With regard to resilience of cereal yields, there is evidence that climate change has adversely impacted yields in West Africa (Sultan et. al. 2019). It is unclear if other regions’ cereal yields have been impacted. Enhancing agricultural practices, including the use of inputs that reduce vulnerability to climate change, can help enhance climate resilience, although there is the risk of maladaptation depending on local conditions. Hence the Bank’s contribution to agriculture has important implications for adaptation and climate resilience. With regards to the Bank’s contribution to agriculture, the Bank’s activities have reached millions of people, exceeding targets. Outcomes include improved water management, although years 2018 and 2019 fell well short of targets. The Bank has supported improved farming technologies, but the population using these technologies is well short of targets. The Bank is reaching targets with regards to the provision of agricultural inputs such as fertiliser, seeds, etc. It should be noted that while fertiliser application enhances yields, application rates are generally low across Africa. However, the timing of application is important, and over-application or application at the wrong times of year can mean that fertiliser can contribute directly or indirectly to GHG emissions, for example in the form of nitrogen dioxide. The impact of climate change on agriculture in Africa is clearly an important concern, but at the same time, Africa is a net food importer. As such, the food needs of Africa depend not only on local supply but also international supply chains. Africa is vulnerable to any disruptions to international food production, Pillar 4 Enabling environment and cross-cutting issues Effective adaptation and mitigation actions cannot be undertaken without an enabling environment, which includes adequate institutional capacity in which climate-related investments can be effectively designed and implemented. The policy environment in RMCs have to be enabling whereby risks are identified and managed, providing predictability and stability to potential investors. Meanwhile, national stakeholders have to be engaged, empowered, and assume ownership of their development agendas over the long term. The Bank has significant experience in supporting the development of enabling environments stemming from its long-term consultative engagement with country-level stakeholders in designing processes of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and Regional Integration Strategy Papers (RISPs). Several of the Bank’s funding instruments, including some of its trust funds, have specific goals of creating enabling environments in order to clear the way for investments in technologies that lead to low-carbon and climateresilient development pathways. SEFA financing for standardized Power Purchase Agreements, resource mapping, feasibility studies, power master plans, renewable energy tariff policies, and environmental and technical regulations targeting grid and off-grid renewable energy (green mini-grids) installations, for example, all mitigate investor risks in emerging markets. Source: CCAP2