African Development Bank - Advancing Climate Action and Green Growth in Africa

75 Example of capacity building activities from 2019 GHG ACCOUNTING TRAINING: PECG organized training on GHG accounting for Bank climate change officers and operational staff in September 2019 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The aim of the training was to capacitate staff to better advise RMCs on climate change mitigation and on the selection of technologies to meet their long-term commitments under the Paris Agreement. CLIMATE FINANCE TRAINING: This seminar organized in collaboration with the Frankfurt School, aimed to raise staff awareness of the significance of climate finance and how to implement the mainstreaming of climate finance throughout the Bank’s operations, in alignment with CCAP2. GENDER AND CLIMATE CHANGE WORKSHOP: PECG held a Gender and Climate Change Workshop as part of the Bank/CIF Inclusive Climate Action Initiative. Organized in collaboration with the Bank’s Department of Gender, Women and Civil Society (AHGC) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the discussions strengthened understanding among Bank staff of the linkages between gender and climate change. GCF OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES HANDBOOK WORKSHOP: Co-organized with Atkins, a leading project management consultancy firm, the overarching objective of this session was to present the African Development Bank-Green Climate Fund Operational Procedures Handbook to Bank operational staff, provide guidance on its use, and solicit feedback on its applicability. The training session provided a discussion platform on existing experiences in accessing GCF resources, as well as opportunities for increased alignment of both institutions going forward. FIRST MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE FOR DIRECT ACCESS ENTITIES TO CLIMATE FINANCE: At the initiative of the ACCF, the AF, and the GCF, over 30 representatives of Direct Access Entities and National Implementing Entities of the GCF and the AF, including 15 representatives from Africa and others from Asia and South America, met in Durban in June 2019. The aim of the meeting was to establish a Community of Practice for Direct Access Entities to build the capacity of the community’s members to efficiently access, receive, and utilize funding from AF and GCF. 2019 AFRICAN YOUTH AGRIPRENEURS FORUM IN SOUTH AFRICA: One of ACCF’s current strategic priorities is youth empowerment in climateresilient sectors. The Fund collaborated with the Bank’s Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Multi-Donor Trust Fund, the Korea-Africa Economic Cooperation Trust Fund, and other partners to convene the African Youth Agripreneurs Forum (AYAF), themed ‘Climate Smart Agriculture: Business and Employment Opportunities for Africa’s Youth,’ in Cape Town, South Africa. The event brought together many young entrepreneurs in the agri-tech space and provided them with a platform to brainstorm with experts, business leaders, investors, and policymakers on challenges and opportunities for youth employment in the sector. CDSF AT THE POST-SAWIDRA WORKSHOP: PCEG’s ClimDev-Africa Special Fund participated in the Post-SAWIDRA Workshop at the headquarters of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, in Darmstadt, Germany. The workshop provided an opportunity for the CDSF to share its experiences with the preparation, appraisal, and management of the Satellite and Weather Information for Disaster Resilience in Africa (SAWIDRA) Program. Representatives of the Fund also participated in the development of a concept note and road map for post- SAWIDRA activities as well as a brainstorm on a strategy to mobilize the resources required for the second phase. Source: African Development Bank 2020 Green growth in Africa — current initiatives and future developments