Nostra Aetate - In Our Time
75 BROADENING INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE AND COLLABORAT ION FOR OUR T IME Reverend Kosho Niwano is President Designate, Rissho Kosei-kai. The granddaughter of founder Nikkyo Niwano and first daughter of President Nichiko Niwano, Reverend Niwano currently devotes herself to sharing the teach- ings of the Lotus Sutra with leaders both in Japan and overseas as well as with the members who visit the Great Sacred Hall for worship services and special events from all parts of Japan. Career summary v President Designate of Rissho Kosei-kai v Participated at several inter-faith congresses including Religions for Peace World Assembly, and the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace v Studied at Rissho Kosei-kai’s Gakurin seminary v Graduated from Gakushuin University, Tokyo. Liberation and illumination – reflections on creating a culture of dialogue and peace Rev. Kosho Niwano Rev. Niwano in conversation with Ven. Noyu Yamada, Chief Abbot of Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei, near Kyoto, Japan Rev. Nikkyo Niwano shaking hands with Pope Paul VI. Father Spae is in conversation behind. September 1965
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