Witnesses of Mercy for Peace and Reconciliation

90 CONCLUDING WORDS dialogue which requires patience, self-discipline and generosity.” 1 As this international symposium comes to an end, the time has come for each of us to return to our homeland. Before waving farewell, let us commit ourselves to do our best so that our religious traditions will be “wombs of life”, bearing the merciful love of God to a wounded and needy humanity, and “doors of hope”, open to over- come pride and fear of the Other. As HH Pope Francis recalled yesterday in his allo- cution: “The mystery of mercy cannot be celebrated in words alone, but above all by deeds, by a truly merci- ful way of life marked by disinterested love, fraternal service and sincere sharing.” Let us change our hearts and open them to God so that we may all become true witnesses of mercy and love, “like a mother’s womb”. Thank you for answering our invitation. Thank you for coming and for making our time so special. Thanks for your full commitment to share and bear witness to stories of mercy during these two days. Thanks to the staff of the Pontifical Gregorian Uni- versity for hosting our symposium and caring so much about the technical details and practical matters in order to make us feel truly at home. The KAICIID Dialogue Centre will go on fostering peaceful encounters between believers and will aim to spread genuine religious free- dom everywhere on Earth. It will therefore, perhaps, be the first of many times that the KAICIID Dialogue Centre knocks at your door to ask for help in organizing similar events in the future. Thank you. 1 Laudato Si’, 201 HE Bishop Ayuso (right) with HH Prince Breen Tahseen (left) and HE Grand Mufti Abdelateef Deriane (centre)