Witnesses of Mercy for Peace and Reconciliation

27 n the name of Allah the compassionate, the merciful. Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, Islam is a religion of mercy which is in itself the fulfilment of natural disposition. It is the beauty of creation and the statement of the con- science and the pureness of emotion. It breathes fresh air into times of crisis, refreshing life, invigorating and light- ening hearts as in His saying: “My mercy encompasses all things.” The Prophet of Islam (Peace be Upon Him) said that all prayers and blessings of Allah showed mercy for humanity and for the world. The Prophet (PBUH) taught his companions and all Muslims that God, The Most Merciful, shows mercy to those who show mercy to others. “Show mercy on earth so that the one above in heaven will show you mercy.” He maintained this highest moral standard even in the darkest and hardest of times where his leniency and mercy prevailed toward his opponents whilst enduring their harm and praying for their repentance, as in his supplication: “Oh God forgive my people as they do not know.” Islam is also the religion of good for all human- kind, for believers in Islam and non-believers alike. It rejuvenates and becomes more elegant with time, more elevated with the advance of science and more steadfast, regardless of the tone of times. Humankind seeks it in all aspects of life, be it political, social or economic. The Islamic faith is a universal religion and I think it is a message to all humanity. This message commands justice and forbids injustice. It calls for a real coexistence between all people in an atmosphere of brotherliness and tolerance, regardless of race, colour and beliefs. These differences in people, be it through race, language or beliefs, ought never be a justification for conflict and division between nations and peoples. Dear ladies and gentlemen, humans are social and are naturally inclined to communicate with fellow humans and with the environment. So, Islam is also an inclusive, universal message and, with its noble Prophet (PBUH) and laws, has elevated humans from individualism to collec- tivism, from closed to open-mindedness, from intolerance to tolerance, from adversity to facility, from severity to simplicity, from moving backwards to moving forwards, and from isolating oneself to openness towards the Other. Moderation is one of the most prominent character- istics of Islam. It’s not just a beautiful description and general term for justice, goodness and righteousness; moderation stands between two perversions which are exaggeration and negligence. It stands as the right “It is the duty of every Muslim to work towards peace between all peoples” His Excellency Grand Mufti of Lebanon Abdelateef Deriane I THE FOUNDAT IONS OF MERCY