Witnesses of Mercy for Peace and Reconciliation

29 Following the supreme instructions of the Prophet (PBUH) can enhance peace and reconciliation between Muslims and Christians, especially between Muslims themselves and between Muslims and all people in the world in general. But the sacred and the mighty has said: “All mankind, we have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you.” He also said: “All of you who have believed enter into Islam completely and perfectly and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, indeed he is to you a clear enemy.” Dear ladies and gentlemen, our world faces many challenges and I would like to mention some of them. People of different religions and creeds are intermingling more and more, not only on account of globalisation with its phenomena and advanced tools, but also due to migration patterns in the world. For example, Chris- tianity is spreading in the developing world, especially in Asia and Africa where Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions prevail, and Islam is spreading in the industrialised countries especially in Europe, the USA, Russia and China where traditionally other religions such as Christianity dominate. This intermingling can lead to one of two things: either to a clash, which means violence and fighting, or to mutual understanding and peaceful and loving coexistence. Islamic history, from China to Spain, is a testimony to tolerance and the acknowledgment of the right of others to be different. This acknowledgement is based on Islamic principles which confirm peace and mercy between all humans and assure the honouring of humans by God regardless of faith or ethnicity. It is an honouring for all the human race as stated in the Holy Qur’an if we have honoured the children of Adam, which means all people are dignified regardless of their faiths and ethnicities. Civilised coexistence between Muslims, Christians and Jews is an example to be followed in our modern times. It was made possible because it was founded on mutual respect as the basis for living, preaching, practicing mercy and establishing a bastion of peace and coexistence. Furthermore, coexistence in the Middle East between Muslims and Christians especially in my country, Leb- anon, is a living example of the fact that a difference in religion does not pose a problem in itself and does not cause conflict if it is kept in the frame of mercifulness, understanding amongst others and the belief in one God. His Excellency Grand Mufti Abdelateef Deriane HE Grand Mufti Abdelateef Deriane was born in Beirut in 1953. He obtained a Licentiate in Theology and Islamic Law from the Islamic University of Medina, and continued his postgraduate studies at Al-Azhar Uni- versity in Egypt. He completed higher studies at the Ain Shams University, Cairo, and received multiple licenses in various Islamic sciences. Since 2014, he has been president of the Supreme Islamic Sharia Council, president of the Sharia Judges Council, and honorary president of various Islamic social and cultural institutes and centres in Lebanon. In 2015, he was one of the founding members of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, based in Egypt. He is the author of many books on Islam and Islamic affairs and jurisprudence. He was elected Grand Mufti of Lebanon in 2014. THE FOUNDAT IONS OF MERCY