Witnesses of Mercy for Peace and Reconciliation

41 WITNESSING MERCY FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIAT ION Rev. Prof. Fadi Daou Rev. Prof. Fadi Daou is a Maronite priest and chair- person of the Adyan foundation, senior expert in geopolitics of religions, Christian-Muslim relations and Middle-Eastern issues, and director of the Lebanese public policy reform: National Strategy for Education on Citizenship and Coexistence. He is professor of the theology of pluralism and interreligious dialogue at the Holy Spirit University, Lebanon. He is also a member of, or consultant to many academic and international organizations. He is the author and editor of a number of books and articles, and co-author with Dr. Nayla Tabbara of Divine Hospitality: Christian and Muslim Theologies of the Other which is published in Arabic, English, French, and German. Dr. Nayla Tabbara Dr. Nayla Tabbara is director of the Institute of Cit- izenship and Diversity Management at the Adyan Foundation. She holds a PhD in Science of Religions from École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris-Sorbonne and Saint Joseph University, Beirut and is a university professor in religious and Islamic studies. She has published works in the fields of Islamic the- ology of other religions, education on interreligious and intercultural diversity, Qur’anic exegesis and Sufism. She works on curricula development (formal and non-formal) for multifaith education and inclusive citizenship. Among her publications are: Divine Hospitality: Chris- tian and Muslim Theologies of the Other , (co-authored with Rev. Prof. Fadi Daou – Beirut, 2011); What About the Other: A Question for Intercultural Education in the 21St Century (Beirut, 2012); and Islamic Studies in the Contemporary World: A Cross Cultural Challenge (Beirut, 2016).