Witnesses of Mercy for Peace and Reconciliation

50 WITNESSING MERCY FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIAT ION y experiences and learning in Myanmar have freed me of my superior ego. I now work in conflict intervention and the Asia Light Monastery that I founded offers a safe place to all. My foundation, the Asia Light Foundation, is currently in the process of building an interreligious dialogue college and I am also working with youth to achieve coexistence between religions including Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Bahá’ís. I attended a social transformation course in 2008, carrying with me feelings of superiority. I belong to the Myanmar majorities, meaning that I am Buddhist, male, and I speak the most common language. This course and others that followed, compelled me to address my prejudices and, as a result, I now have complete respect for all races, religions, men and women. Venerable Sein Di Ta M