Witnesses of Mercy for Peace and Reconciliation

63 WITNESSING MERCY FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIAT ION would like to tell you about my experience and mission in Syria. I am an Orthodox Christian Syrian and I grew up in Syria. I have always been active in the field of interreligious dialogue and have worked closely with the Mufti of Syria before the revolution. When the revolution started, I began mediating between the government and the opposition in an attempt to stop the bloodshed and the killing of civil- ians. I called for more freedom of speech and tried to build a bridge between the government and civil society, hoping until the very last minute that the fighting would not escalate. One evening, I contacted Asmaa Al Asaad, the wife of the president, directly and begged that the regime should strive to contain the matter. After that, I decided that the most humane act would be to start working on the ground, visiting the camps of the displaced and homeless, and working directly with the people, especially women and youth. I organized workshops and activities to support those in need, and worked to alleviate and resolve conflicts arising between Christians and Muslims. During my work in the camps, I would wear the veil, the hijab , to cover my Christian identity as this gesture was needed in order to be able to approach the people. Throughout my efforts, I conducted many dialogues with the militias. Unfortunately, the more I became engaged and the more I worked for the people, the more difficulties I faced. I am now on the wanted list of both Da’esh and the regime, but this fact does not keep me from my mission and I am, right now – December 2016 – working at the Syrian border to embrace and help the citizens of Aleppo who are fleeing for their lives. Hind Kabawat Hind Kabawat is director of interfaith peacebuilding at the George Mason University Centre for World Religions, Diplomacy&Conflict Resolution (CRDC), and a member of the Tanenbaum Peacemakers in Action Network. Since the beginning of the Syrian revolution she has piloted numerous training programmes related to conflict resolution, women’s empowerment, and negotiation skills in Aleppo, Idlib, Atmeh IDP camp, Istanbul, and Amman. Hind is the founder and director of the Syrian Centre for Dialogue, Peace, and Reconciliation in Toronto and has served as a consultant and advisory board member at the World Bank. She is also head of the interfaith com- mittee for Tastakel, an organization that includes women from diverse groups who are working for peace and recon- ciliation through women’s empowerment and education. She is presently a member of the High Negotiations Committee at the Syrian peace talks in Geneva, as well as founder of the Women’s Consulting Group for that committee. Hind is also on the board of the Syrian Eco- nomic Forum. She was given the Peacemakers in Action Award from the Tanenbaum Center of Interreligious Understanding in 2007. Hind Kabawat I