Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity

Research in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has shown that the cultivation of Pistia stratiotes in rivers can play an important role in improving water quality in degrad- ed river systems. The plant is also excellent fodder for livestock [ ] 90 Restoration of habitat for cranes and construction of a community-based protected area The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was once a major wintering area for red-crowned cranes, whose current global population is approxi- mately 2,700. The crane used to over- winter in several places of the middle of Korean peninsula before the 1970s, but thereafter its distribution gradually contracted to the narrow areas including the coastal areas of Ryongyon, Kangryong and Chong- dan, and the estuary of the River Han in the west and Cholwon County in the east of the country. The popula- tion wintering in Cholwon County is about 850, approximately 77 per cent of the nationwide population. The project “Restoration of Habitat for Cranes in Anbyon Plain and construction of community-based Protected Area” was begun in 2008 in cooperation with Birdlife Interna- tional. The project aims at demon- strating community-based reserve management, integrating agriculture and sustainable development in the local area through the restoration of habitat for red-crowned cranes by encouraging the local people to pro- tect them. The project site comprises 100 km 2 of Anbyon Plain in Kangwon Province. Anbyon Plain was estab- lished as a red-crowned crane reserve in 2010 and, in order to attract the birds, one pair of cranes as well as crane decoys were used. Favourable conditions were established, such as leaving straw in some of the fields, with watering provided. Brochures about the cranes were distributed and helped to raise awareness among the local people and students. Activities to improve and protect the eco-environment of the local areas were successfully undertaken, includ- ing establishing the production base for new organic fertilizer in the coopera- tive farm, introducing organic farming and agro-forestry management in slope land, planting fast growing willows and feed grass in waterways to prevent soil erosion, and establishing watershed management. Thanks to these efforts and activities, tens of red-crowned cranes have landed in the area, one that they had previously avoided due to habitat destruction. The landing popu- lation is now increasing year by year. T he Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is located in Northeast Asia. The 122,762 km 2 of territory is characterized by many mountains, rivers and a long coastline. It is bordered by the East Sea and the West Sea, and in the north by China and Russia between the Amnok River and Tumen River. The country boasts a variety of natural landscapes with an abundance of biodiversity. 10,012 plant species have been recorded, among which the number of higher plant species is 4,426, approximately 1.6 per cent of the global number. 1,494 species of vertebrate, 8,652 of invertebrate and 866 of fish have been recorded so far. The country’s rich biodiversity is an asset for developing the national economy, including agriculture, livestock breeding, fruit farming, forestry, aquiculture, bee-farming, and herb cultivation. The biodiversity also provides benefits for human health and wellbeing, and is important for the country’s culture. Rason Migratory Bird Reserve, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Ramsar Democratic People’s Republic of Korea