Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity

The Sudd swamps, with an estimated area of about 57,000 km 2 represent some of the most extensive wetlands in Africa with a complex of channels and open water bodies [ ] 208 Committed to preserving the biodiversity and environmental integrity of the new country Despite being a new country with various socioeconomic concerns, the government and constitution of South Sudan have introduced a high amount of legislation, policies and frameworks related to environmen- tal sustainability and biodiversity conservation. Currently, there are over 20 policies being implemented into the constitution that will help biodiversity. The main legislation is the Envi- ronmental Protection Bill of 2013, that aims to promote ecologically sustainable development to improve the quality of life. This is done to pre- serve the flora and fauna, the quality and flow of water, any outstanding geological, ecological or physiograph- ical features of the burdened land — or restrict the scope of any activity on that land — and create or maintain migration corridors for wildlife. The Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas Bill of 2015 covers all matters concerned with wildlife conservation, the establishment and management of protected areas and the sustainable management and conservation of South Sudan’s natural heritage and wildlife for the benefit of its citizens. The Bill allows local communities around protected areas to manage wildlife in collabo- ration with the South Sudan Wildlife Service (SSWS). The Forests Bill of 2009 is designed to operationalize the Forestry Policy covering all matters concerned with all forests and woodlands in the country. The Bill also establishes a National Forest Fund (NFF) to be managed semi-autonomously, to support forestry research, education and protection of forest biodiversity and heritage. The Water Bill 2013 provides for the protection of water sources from pollution, erosion or any other adverse effects by creating protected zones within a catchment drain- ing to, or above, any water facility, forming part of a water supply or any catchment, lake, reservoir, aquifer, wetland, spring, or any other source of water. The Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries Policy Framework and Strategic Plan of 2012–2016 aims at promoting best animal husbandry practices to reduce environmental degradation; and to promote sustain- able management of rangelands and pastures through integrated range management practices. The Agriculture Sector Policy Framework for 2012–2017 provides for the protection of plants, seed management, and the development of a plant genetic resources conser- vation programme and a biosafety framework. S outh Sudan is the world’s newest nation having attained independence in 2011. It covers approximately 640,000 km 2 in the centre of Sub-Saharan Africa. The country has a tropical wet and dry climate with two rainy seasons and high humidity. Ecologically, it is divided into six agro-ecological zones: the Greenbelt, Ironstone Plateau, Hills and Mountains, Flood Plains, the Nile/Sobat Rivers and the arid and pastoral zone. The variety of species and the complex ecosystems constitutes the country’s biological diversity, and are the foundation of its socioeconomic development. The diversity of biological resources interact with one another and the physical environment to form a wide range of ecosystems that are categorized into ecological zones: savannah, flood/swamps, montane forest, semidesert and lowland forest. South Sudan United Nations on flickr South Sudan