Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity

Tajikistan has strengthened its institutional structure to en- sure the planning of biodiversity for sustainable use and has expanded the territories of Nature Protected Areas to 25 per cent of the total country area [ ] 216 Strengthening institutions to ensure diversity Tajikistan has strengthened its institu- tional structure to ensure the plan- ning of biodiversity for sustainable use and has expanded the territories of Nature Protected Areas to 25 per cent of the total country area. A specially authorized body under the National CBD Focal Point in Tajikistan has a mandate that includes the coordina- tion of biodiversity issues throughout the country, development of guide- lines and methodological documents on biodiversity and their implementa- tion in different sectors of the country. The National Biodiversity and Biosafety Centre, under the Commit- tee for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan (NBBC) has developed a close cooperation with national stakeholders in issues of biodiversity conservation and use. In particular, NBBC receives infor- mation on implementation of the national Aichi Biodiversity Targets and monitors development and integration of biodiversity conser- vation measures in key sectors of the country. Over the last 10 years, the National CBD Focal Point has established an ‘agro net’ consisting of gardens of genetic resources in ten model territories across an area of more than 200 hectares. Government decisions to strength- en the restoration and conservation of forest resources have helped to expand and integrate mechanisms for biodiversity conservation. With the support of international organ- izations, nurseries for cultivation of local juniper species have been restored in an area of about 120 hec- tares. Much work has been done on breeding of wild large ungulate ani- mals, such as Bukhara deer, gazelle, marchor and others, which were on the verge of extinction. In some local areas the number of these animals has increased to 15–20 per cent. The National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation of the Republic of Tajikistan, up- dated in accordance with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, has confirmed the well-established and productive partnership between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Develop- ment Program (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Program and other international partners. Long-term experience of coopera- tion with international organizations has promoted practical initiatives on ex-situ and in-situ conservation of wild relatives of local varieties of fruit, cereals and leguminous plants. Valuable plant resources are preserved in the specially protected natural areas, botanical gardens and nurseries as well as in farms and households. Using a homological approach, climate models and fore- casts for the next 50 years have been compiled to adapt local agrobiodiver- sity species in the context of climate change. T he mountain environment of Tajikistan enjoys a rich biological diversity, due to extremely diverse ecological conditions. Of the 25,000 species of flora and fauna, more than 3,000 are now actively used in the everyday life of the population, as ecosystem services. The Government ensures the conservation of valuable genetic resources and the principles of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use are included in a number of state initiatives. These include poverty reduction, food and environmental programmes, as well as the Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity for the periods 2000–2010 and 2015–2025. Iskanderkul Lake National Biodiversity and Biosafety Center, Tajikistan Tajikistan