Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity
Around 120 habitat types of the third level of the European Nature Information System classification have been identified in the country, belonging to 28 ecosystem types [ ] 218 Firm rules on nature protection The Law on Nature Protection speci- fies general measures for species pro- tection, with regard to: extermination of indigenous wild species; reduction of the populations of wild species, destruction of their habitats, or mod- ification of their living conditions to an extent that would cause a state of danger; deliberate disturbance of wild animals, especially during mat- ing, breeding or wintering, as well as capturing, hunting or shooting of wild animals; deliberate removal of wild plants and fungi from their hab- itats, reduction of their population, or destruction in any way; deliberate damaging or destruction of habitats of wild species; and using non-selec- tive means of wild species collection and hunting. A total of 194 species have been designated as strictly pro- tected, of which there are 9 fungi, 51 plant and 134 animal species. Destruction, collection, cutting or uprooting of strictly protected plants and fungi are prohibited, while with regard to strictly protected animals: the deliberate capture, keeping and shooting; deliberate damage or destruction of their developmental forms, nests, roosts, and habitats; deliberate disturbance; deliberate de- struction or taking of eggs from na- ture; hiding, keeping, raising, selling, buying and transferring or any other form of acquiring and stuffing; are all prohibited acts. A total of 820 species have been designated as protected, of which there are 75 fungi, 151 plants and 594 animal. Protection of species identified as game (110 bird species and 23 mammalian species, of which only 14 species are regarded game without protection) is regulated by the Law on Hunting. As a positive example of an estab- lished system for the collection and purchase of wild species, in Pellister National Park, around 15 species and other forest products are collected regularly, including: bilberry (Vaccin- ium myrtillus), economically the most important species; several species of fungi; common juniper (Juniperus communis); and seeds and pine cones of the Molika pine (Pinus peuce). These all provide extra income to the local population, sometimes reaching 20 per cent of the total income. The system for sustainable collec- tion of bilberry in accordance with the principles of organic production has been implemented as of 2007 when the Public Institution for the Park established quotas (around 130 tonnes of bilberries are collected at an average per year); training of collectors on the manner and period of collection; reg- istration of collectors and issuance of identity card by the public institution; and purchase agreements. The rangers of the Pellister and ad- ditionally engaged collectors control the enforcement of the specified rules in cooperation with forest police and Inspectorate of Environment. T he Republic of Macedonia is situated at the centre of the Balkan Peninsula and is part of the wider Mediterranean Region that has been identified as the third most important biodiversity hotspot in the world with respect to the number of endemic plant species. Accordingly, although relatively small in territory at 25,713 km 2 , the country holds an important position on the global map of biological diversity hotspots. A large part of the country’s territory, just over 44 per cent, lies at an altitude of between 500 and 1000m and nearly 80 per cent of the territory has a hilly and mountainous nature, with a number of valleys connected with deep gorges and canyons. Black Drin river springs Ava Babili on flickr The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
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