Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity
The Protected Areas System has expanded to over 6 per cent of the Ukrainian territory [ ] 228 Funding the protection of nature Ukraine is an agrarian state which possesses a powerful resource poten- tial for agriculture. Forests occupy 16 per cent of the territory of Ukraine and the stockpiling and sale of timber is an important income item for the state and the population. The terri- tory of Ukraine is crossed by several large rivers and water resources are important to ensure environmental and food security and stability. Agricultural development of the territory stands at 72 per cent, with 56 per cent of land ploughed. The re- placement of autochthonous cultural genetic diversity is evident as a result of increasing imports of domestic breeds of animals and plants as well as a decreasing number of wild species caused by privatization and development along riverbanks and coasts. Measures aimed at improving biodiversity are continuously imple- mented, along with improvements in the legislative framework in the fields of protection, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Activities are continuously carried out to conserve valuable natural sys- tems and sites for the subsequent cre- ation of Nature Reserve Fund areas of national and local importance. The locations of growth and habitation of regionally rare species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book of Ukraine are recorded and priority wetlands of international importance have been defined. A number of the territories have been examined to identify the key areas of the ecologi- cal network. Given that economic activity is a decisive factor influencing the environment, actions to reduce the impact of anthropogenic factors focus on improving biodiversity and the condition of structural elements of the ecological network. The num- ber of regional programmes on the ecological network and environmen- tal protection has also increased, with 13 regional programmes approved since 2013. At present, six regional schemes of development of the ecological network and 46 local schemes of de- velopment of the ecological network have been approved. Overall, the amount of land enjoying protection in Ukraine has expanded, with the Protected Areas System Nature Re- serve Fund areas now covering over 6 per cent of the country. O ccupying less than 6 per cent of Europe’s area, Ukraine possesses 35 per cent of its biodiversity, associated with the favourable location of the country at a crossroads of migration and nature zones. There are many rare, relict and endemic species of biota (over 70,000), while certain flora (826 species) and fauna (543 species) which require special protection are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. In cooperation with other countries, Ukraine takes concerted measures to protect wildlife species specified by the international treaties to which it is a Party. Valuable natural sites are chosen for the creation of Nature Reserve Fund areas Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ukraine
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