Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Common Citizenship
[ 7 ] — OPENING CEREMONY — Arab world, which will be launched at this conference, is very relevant. Also relevant is the work done by the UnitedNations Special Adviser for Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect, together with KAICIID, to develop several initiatives includ- ing the Fez process, the Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead toAtrocity Crimes, and the peacebuilding programmes imple- mented by KAICIID in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Iwould like tohighlight threepriority areas for action: firstly, education.We needmore intercultural and interreligious edu- cation, as well as education towards common citizenship and intercultural understanding. Secondly, the internet—the chal- lenge of the future. We live in a network society and the voices of peace have to be heard. Thirdly, media. It is essential that themedia are used as channels for dialogue and for promoting positive images of other cultures and religions. We need a communication strategy. KAICIID has imple- mented very successful programmes in these areas such as the training programme in social media with young religious leaders, the network of religious institutions on interreli- gious dialogue, and the International Fellows Programme. Lastly, I would like tomention two initiatives recently pro- moted by Spain, aiming at dialogue and reconciliation. Firstly, the Summit of Religious Leaders for Peace in the Middle East that was hosted in Alicante, Spain and co-sponsored by the United Nations Alliance of Civilization. More than 30 We need platforms of religious leaders in favour of peace, especially in conflict areas where action is urgent
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