The Road to the SDGs
ACHIEVEMENTS X To date, the following achievements have been made: – The BCM Standing Committee was established, comprising IsDB Group management members – BCM Steering Committee was established, comprising all IsDB Group entities’ representatives and reporting to the IsDB Group BCM Standing Committee – The BCM strategy was approved – The BCP was updated in cooperation with a best-in-class consulting firm based on a BIA document – An IT disaster recovery plan and site were put in place – Several internal disaster drills were undertaken in the buildings of the IsDB Group HQ – The BIA document was thoroughly reviewed and updated by BCM Task Force and approved by IsDB Group management – The Risk Assessment document was reviewed and updated by the IsDB Risk Department and the BCM Task Force members, and approved by IsDB Group management – The Logistic Crisis Guide, Crisis Communication Guide and disaster recovery documents were reviewed and updated by the BCM Task Force and approved by IsDB Group management – IsDB’s Human Resources Management Department issued a notification requiring all IsDB staff to update their personal information – BCM Task Force members were trained in BCM, with all of trainees certified to ISO 22301 – IsDB Group critical staff and alternate critical staff were nominated – A fire drill and a BCM declaration took place in June 2019, in which critical staff moved to the designated alternate business site to resume business transactions – Contract was made with SOS company to facilitate travel advice, security support and medical evacuation of international staff. INVESTMENT X IsDB’s investment in developing its BCM strategy is crucial to enabling IsDB to continue its operations in the event of a major incident and ensure, as far as practicable, that critical processes and resources are recovered before their non- performance threatens the long-term security of IsDB. The aim is to: – Maintain the reputation and credibility of the organisation – Complement the IsDB Group Risk Management Framework by identifying and planning for high- impact scenarios where BCM is the appropriate risk mitigation strategy – Provide a framework of management and decision making that will result in an agreed recovery programme that will minimise the impact of the event. O R G A N I S A T I O N A L E T H O S Building resilience and mitigating vulnerability should be regarded as aspects of normal business process [ 205 ] T H E R O A D T O T H E S D G s | P R O G R E S S A N D A C H I E V E M E N T S
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