The Road to the SDGs
PURPOSE X Building an agile organisation underpins many of the key achievements of IsDB with regard to the P5P. One of the P5P objectives is building competency through efficient delivery of services to all internal business units that are, in turn, facing external clients. X As such, IsDB has embarked on several initiatives to enhance competency in recent months. One of these is the implementation of a Total Facility Management (TFM) Contract that aims to streamline IsDB’s services and improve the quality of existing facility services, while reducing total costs at IsDB headquarters (HQ). X Features of the TFM Service, which enables comprehensive facility services through a single-source service provider, include: – A 24/7 helpdesk service – Contractor performance monitoring – KPI implementation and management – Spare parts and warehouse management – Customer support – Quality Management System [ISO] audits – Auditing of building structure with visual inspection and full structural investigation, using an Oracle system to manage the work – Supply, operation and maintenance of photocopier machines and production machines for bulk copies – Hospitality services at HQ and other premises. METHOD IsDB has enhanced and updated many of its administrative policies and procedures to align with the objective of reinforcement, as outlined in the P5P. Policies and procedures that have been approved, developed or enhanced so far include: – Implementation Policy for Fixed Asset Management, which manages all fixed assets under IsDB’s control through each phase of their lifecycle in an effective, efficient and economical manner – Approved Revised Corporate Procurement Policy, which complies with international procurement practices to deliver best value for money and highest standards of integrity and efficiency Modernisation and total quality management of shared administrative services A s a major multilateral development bank active in 57 countries, IsDB needs a highly reliable and efficient support infrastructure IsDB’s shared administrative services play a crucial role in having an agile organisation that responds to emerging global trends During the COVID-19 pandemic, IsDB arranged for the successful return of 223 stranded staff members and their dependents from 29 countries [ 206 ] SDGs
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