The Road to the SDGs

T H E R O A D T O T H E S D G s | P R O G R E S S A N D A C H I E V E M E N T S – IsDB Business Travel Policy and Guidelines, providing guidance for IsDB staff to enable them to conduct business travel effectively – Emergency corporate procurement procedures to respond to situations of emergency quickly and effectively – The Safety and Security Manual, which has now been completed – Back-to-office guidelines – New Vendor Code of Conduct – Records and Documents Management Policy – Guidelines for the hiring of consultants and procurement guidelines for the RHs – Disposables Policy – Announcement guidelines – Office space allocation guidelines – Agreement with International SOS to provide travel advisory, medical, security and emergency support for staff during travel or international assignments – A new SAP Travel Management System for RHs to enhance the business travel experience for all RHs. ACHIEVEMENTS A major area of focus for IsDB’s administrative services in 2020 was the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for IsDB staff and infrastructure. Actions and initiatives taken in response to COVID-19 risk include the following: – Providing 2,000 staff with health kit, including 20 thermal screening devices for use by trained staff – Disinfection and spraying of premises on three occasions, awarding this project to a specialist company – Replacement of IsDB’s main entrance doors, switching from a manual system to automatic sliding doors – Requesting in-house operations and maintenance contractors to identify their critical staff working within IsDB and imposing strict conditions for their presence – Organising PCR tests for staff staying in IsDB’s shared accommodation – Conducting health and safety precautionary awareness training for critical staff after the quarantine period – Arranging office cleaning kits with cleaning instructions and drinking water bottle cartons for critical staff on site – Deep-cleaning activities by all inhouse housekeeping contractors – Sanitising all surfaces, including elevators and copy machines, along with parking areas, mechanical rooms and other communal areas – Daily visit of engineers to IsDB facilities to check the preparedness programmes and ongoing projects. INVESTMENT X IsDB has implemented a ‘Procure to Pay’ solution, which streamlines the whole procurement process right up to the payment stage. It covers strategic sourcing, contract management and supplier management within a single comprehensive solution on SAP Ariba. X To improve efficiency and speed of response, the Administrative Services Department has automated all its process and services, in addition to fully digitising the payment process using DocuSign and PDF electronic signature. R E S P O N S E T O C O V I D - 1 9 R I S K Providing 2,000 staff with health kit, including 20 thermal screening devices for use by trained staff [ 207 ]