The Road to the SDGs

X IsDB stands ready to provide similar engagement whenever its MCs invite it to participate in future international meetings related to its mandate to support economic development and achieve the SDGs. ACHIEVEMENTS Experts from IsDB have made 58 interventions in 2020 G20 events and meetings and contributed to discussions with a total of 56 presentations and written submissions over the year. X IsDB published four reports on leveraging key industries in the post- COVID-19 recovery. X IsDB delivered three reports to the meetings of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors: – A stock-taking study on ‘Best Practices of MDBs and Specialised Multilateral Insurers in Political Risk Insurance for Equity Investments, Medium, and Long- Term Debt Investments and other Insurance Solutions’ – Two update reports on the operationalisation of country platforms following the 2020-adopted G20 Reference Framework for Effective Country Platforms in Somalia and Uzbekistan. X Engagement of IsDB experts in 2020 G20 events also favoured positive outcomes such as: – The acceptance of IsDB’s application to become an implementing partner of the GPFI, with participatory finance now represented through IsDB in this important forum – Strengthening of relationships with other international organisations in critical times, reaching agreements with key partners, including WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNOPS and the WFP – Active promotion of IsDB’s recent initiatives, including the 3-R Programme ‘Respond, Restore, Restart’ to support MCs in their fight against COVID-19 – Development of partnerships with organisations involved in the G20 and its engagement groups, including SEforALL, UN Habitat, the King Khalid Foundation, and the International Dialogue Center (KAICIID). INVESTMENT X IsDB invested in building strategic relationships with the G20 Saudi Secretariat and the chairs and co- chairs of working groups under both tracks as well as engagement groups and dedicated global experts to promote the priorities of IsDB MCs. X An internal coordination framework facilitated strong participation of IsDB delegations to G20-related events. X A clear process flow and templates were developed to support and guide IsDB Group delegates in their participation in G20 meetings and events. X A reporting mechanism was established, allowing for compilation of feedback and outcomes of the meetings. I N T E R V E N T I O N S I N 2 0 2 0 G 2 0 IsDB made 58 interventions in 2020 G20 events / meetings and contributed to discussions with a total of 56 presentations and written submissions [ 213 ] T H E R O A D T O T H E S D G s | P R O G R E S S A N D A C H I E V E M E N T S