The Road to the SDGs
held in April 2020, IsDB’s proposal to develop the report was supported. Based on a mutually agreed outline, each MDB designated focal points to provide inputs to the report, which was compiled by the two chairs, IsDB and ADB. X Consistent with the Awareness pillar of the P5P, the joint report showcases examples of how MDBs’ financing directly contributes to advancing the SDGs relating to empowerment, safeguarding the planet, fostering prosperity for all and developing sustainable infrastructure. X The report indicates the critical importance of partnerships to mobilise financing and demonstrates how MDBs embody SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) through TA, policy support and knowledge. X The publication lays down some of the commitments to continuing to work together to bring the world closer to realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including by advancing common approaches to results management. ACHIEVEMENTS X This first joint report by MDBs on their contributions to the SDGs showcases collective support for the 2030 Agenda to shareholders and stakeholders at a time when the world seeks to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. X The report is driven by the examples and case studies proposed by designated focal points from each of the MDBs. X Further convergence on common approaches would allow a more cohesive picture of the MDBs’ coordinated contributions to be presented in the future. Following IsDB’s original proposal, future chairs of the Heads of MDBs meetings could consider producing an update to this report during the Decade of Action. INVESTMENT X Investment was made by all members of the MDB group to provide input and review. X Further investment from ADB and IsDB was made on developing the report. M D B A L I G N M E N T The heads of the 11 largest MDBs and the IMF have come together to showcase their commitment and contributions to the SDGs The MDBs embody SDG17 [ 219 ] T H E R O A D T O T H E S D G s | P R O G R E S S A N D A C H I E V E M E N T S
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