The Road to the SDGs
PURPOSE X IsDB is committed to helping its MCs to leverage their resources and position to develop and grow their economies in the future, taking advantage of new technologies. Resiliency and readiness are key to MCs’ competitiveness and capacity to benefit from these changing dynamics. X The mining and construction sectors are fundamental to many IsDB economies. Adopting a forward-looking industrial policy can enable MCs to capture more value from mining and construction through: – Higher revenues – More diversified economies – More skilled jobs. X The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to considerably shape the future of the mining and construction industries. Its effects will be felt by MCs’ economies in the short, medium and long term. To manage these impacts, MCs need a deeper understanding of complex value chains in order to rebuild with resilience. X IsDB’s Mining and Construction report offers an in-depth view on key trends and initiatives that will shape the future of the sector in its 57 MCs for the next decade and beyond. X The report identifies several key elements in the two sectors: – The rise of new technologies and disruptive innovations such as autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, robotics and 3D printing promises to bring drastic change to populations around the globe – Disruption is inevitable — several innovative technologies and techniques will enhance productivity – Increased reliance on critical minerals and materials will boost demand across the mining and construction sectors – Many MCs hold vast mineral reserves that remain untapped, with significant potential to increase production – The focus on extraction in some MCs means that there is potential to unlock additional value by expanding into processing and even manufacturing. X According to the report, there are several opportunities to turn the key challenges facing MCs into competitive advantages. It advises MCs to take a stance as either early adopters or innovation leaders to create competitive advantages. In addition, it emphasises Future of the mining and construction industry T he mining and construction sectors will see major transformations by 2030 due to demand driven by growing populations, increasing urbanisation rates, rising e-mobility and increased dependence on electronics IsDB’s ‘Mining and Construction’ report addresses these concerns as part of its ‘The Future’ publication series, which forecasts economic trends and emerging global priorities for the benefit of MCs The Mining and Construction report demonstrates the power of industry partnerships to unlock potential in MCs while partially hedging for risks [ 226 ] SDGs
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