The Road to the SDGs
PURPOSE X Given its massive and overarching impact beyond the immediate health effects and the mounting economic and social ramifications, the COVID-19 pandemic response requires a holistic approach that charts an end-to-end recovery path, orchestrating work done by many partners domestically and internationally. X During the pandemic, the IsDB Global Coordination Platform (GCP) has served as the strategic tool to orchestrate IsDB’s SPRP. X The initiatives undertaken in this context represent a response to the call of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, whereby three principles are implemented: mutual accountability, country ownership, and alignment on results. METHOD X The GCP is an online free market system for development that allows MCs to explore services offered by various providers worldwide, allowing them to take a structured approach to meeting their needs, by: – Allowing MCs to reach out to different vendors and suppliers, which can be challenging, especially in times of crisis – Helping MCs to reach out to donors, experts and centres of excellence. X Each country accesses the GCP through its own dedicated Country Platform (CP). Furthermore, each provider defines its contribution to the GCP in a structured way. X The GCP reflects the values set out in several core aspects of the P5P: X Enhancing IsDB’s visibility by creating an integrated and effective strategic communication tool for interactions with potential investors, donors and service providers – Strengthening partnerships with other MDBs and development institutions at both global and country level; having successfully onboarded a number of partners (UNOPS, UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, Standard Chartered Bank); giving MCs access to the latest scientific, technological and innovative products and enabling them to compete globally in fields where they have a competitive edge – Building capacities by accessing the knowledge of MCs; helping IsDB to produce development solutions that are T he IsDB Global Coordination Platform is a blockchain-based online marketplace that aims to coordinate aid delivery and mobilise financial and technical resources to support MCs Blockchain-based Global Coordination Platform In the past, the linkage between supply and demand was often disrupted. The Global Coordination Platform provides a structured solution to this challenge [ 230 ] SDGs
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