The Road to the SDGs

– Transition Management and Mitigation Strategy, which provides support for development in fragile and conflict-affected regions – RRP. X Climate Change Policy supports IsDB’s overall objectives of a client- driven approach to sustainable development and economic growth. Its eight guiding principles are: – Country leadership – Selectivity – Adaptability – Proactivity – Capacity building and knowledge sharing – Catalysing private-sector capital and institutional investors – Partnerships for climate change action – Accounting for climate action. X IsDB conducts climate risk screening at the early concept stage for all projects involving physical assets, using the Acclimatise Aware climate risk screening tool. This screening, coupled with project impact assessments, establishes the climate change vulnerability context of a project. X Sector guidance is implemented in the following ways: – Offering help with identifying potential impacts and adaptation options, while focusing on the use of climate risk screening tools to identify the key climate risk areas based on a project’s type and location – Providing insights into the process of identifying project vulnerabilities and adaptation options for projects – Agreeing on a scale or metric for each criterion – Scoring projects, incorporating the different adaptation alternatives against each of the criteria – Evaluating options in greater detail using a quantitative economic assessment. X IsDB has published its first- ever annual flagship Resilience Report, which aims to assist stakeholders in planning efficient interventions and investments. Titled ‘Understanding, Investing & Programming for Resilience’, the Report highlights nine case studies (Indonesia, Turkey, Syria, Nigeria, Somalia, Jordan, Pakistan, Iraq and Palestine), providing concrete and practical solutions for building resilience to cope with risks and shocks in MCs. ACHIEVEMENTS X By providing practical recommendations for increasing financing and introducing tailored smart investments in building resilience to achieve the SDGs, IsDB’s first Resilience Report positions it to contribute to, and participate in, finding innovative solutions to address fragility and build resilience in MCs. The Report: – Expands understanding of the challenges and opportunities of building resilience by sharing knowledge, experience, best practices and lessons learned to enable MCs to manage the pressures, risks and shocks posed by human-made and natural disasters – Sheds light on locally driven solutions and coping mechanisms in building the resilience of governments and communities. X In 2019, the World Resources Institute sector guidance documents informed the design and formulation of components in more than 25 projects financed by IsDB towards building climate resilience of infrastructure and beneficiary communities in MCs. X IsDB’s Climate Risk Management Framework is piloted in 2021, to ensure that all climate risks identified in IsDB operations are addressed. Climate risk assessment case studies have been produced for all relevant sectors. INVESTMENT X IsDB’s new climate finance targets require 35% of overall annual financing to be committed to projects and activities that mitigate emissions and support adaptation to climate change. IsDB is taking various actions to ensure the financial sustainability of its climate change interventions, including assisting MCs to mobilise private capital to finance climate change projects and leveraging the resources of its own private-sector entities. I S D B ’ S N E W C L I M A T E F I N A N C E T A R G E T S 35% of overall annual financing is to be committed to projects that mitigate emissions and support adaptation to climate change [ 235 ] T H E R O A D T O T H E S D G s | P R O G R E S S A N D A C H I E V E M E N T S