The Road to the SDGs
PURPOSE X Guinea is richly endowed with natural resources but faces major challenges in reaching its full potential through participation in GVCs. Analysis based on GVC selection methodology has identified four champion industries for the country: – Agribusiness – Mining – Rubber – Chemicals. X Based on discussions with the Government of Guinea, agribusiness and mining were chosen as the main champion industries. X The government of Guinea is actively promoting and supporting the agriculture and mining industries with the following objectives: – Improving wellbeing, reducing inequalities and ensuring intergenerational equity – Undertaking the structural transformation of the economy by increasing the share of manufacturing value added in GDP and total exports. X In order to enhance the competitive performance of the selected industries, IsDB’s GVC analysis will document: – Required interventions – Policy measures – Support programmes required. METHOD X IsDB’s GVC analysis methodology (see page 170) was used to identify the key action points for Guinea. X Guinea is a country that has considerable mineral wealth. Its iron ore resources are among the largest and highest quality in the world and its reserves of bauxite represent about one third of total global resources. However, Guinea exports 95% of its bauxite in raw form and has not managed to exploit its other mining resources to the fullest extent possible. X Agriculture is the main source of employment in Guinea. The country also has high potential in hydropower generation. However, the level of production in these sectors is well below the potential identified by IsDB. X Preliminary GVC analysis for agribusiness yielded the following conclusions: – Guinea is a country with domestic market potential due to its high labour intensity and lower productivity combined with high employment in agriculture Guinea — A post-COVID-19 restart strategy I n Guinea, IsDB has analysed two industries to identify opportunities for upgrading or deepening their impacts on the economy IsDB’s GVC participation index summarises the importance of the global supply chain for the country for which it is calculated. For Guinea, the data gathered suggests the country can achieve important gains in mining and agriculture [ 238 ] SDGs
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