The Road to the SDGs

PURPOSE X With a population of 22.4 million people and a gross national income per capita that is among the three lowest in the world, Niger faces many challenges in its efforts to achieve its development objectives. Reflecting the country’s high reliance on primary products and several episodes of political instability, growth has remained subdued and highly volatile for several decades. X Since 2012, however, a solid growth momentum has emerged, supported by favourable rainfall and a relatively stable political context, despite heightened security challenges. Growth is expected to accelerate above 6% in the medium term, driven by increased public and private investments. X The dominant industries are: – Agriculture and livestock — accounting for 40% of GDP and engaging about 80% of the workforce but with low productivity levels, resulting in productions well below the potential – Extractive industries — playing a key role in the economy, with uranium and crude oil accounting for 25% and 22% respectively of goods exports in 2018. X The main strategic objective of the country’s national development plan is to achieve accelerated, inclusive and sustainable growth for income generation, job creation and consolidating the foundations of sustainable development. X IsDB’s GVC approach of focusing on the GVC of products in which the country has a comparative advantage is well aligned with the government’s strategic development goals. X The preliminary GVC analysis conducted by IsDB highlighted significant potential within the following sectors: – Mining and minerals (uranium, gold) – Food and beverages (sugar, pasta, palm oil) – Agriculture (cotton, rice, sugar, live animals) – Textiles (cotton, woven fabric, leather). – The GVC analysis conducted by IsDB was presented and discussed with the Government of the Republic of the Niger, with representation from various sectoral ministries. X Based on the analysis and subsequent discussions, the agribusiness sector and the textiles sector were selected as the primary champion industries for Niger. Niger — A post-COVID-19 restart strategy I sDB is developing a new MCPS for Niger, based on GVC analysis Each step in the GVC represents opportunities for job creation, wealth generation and empowerment for the next generation of MSMEs in Niger [ 240 ] SDGs