The Road to the SDGs

u Objective Key Results (OKR): As the successful implementation of the P5P entailed cascading the KPIs from the President's level to the staff level to ensure that the strategic priorities are well embedded in IsDB's planning processes, the effective monitoring and reporting on these KPIs was equally important. Hence, a dedicated tool, OKR, was launched, gathering more than 200 objectives and KPIs. All staff members can now use this application to report their progress. u Performance dashboards: IsDB has developed a Project Portfolio Dashboard for the Board of Executive Directors (BED), with the aim to provide project level live access to BED members. This dashboard is instrumental in improving transparency, visibility and awareness about projects' performance. Besides, the P5P Dashboard, the Work Programme Dashboard, the Budget Utilization Dashboard, the MCPS Dashboard and various other dashboards have been developed to ensure greater monitoring and promote reporting culture within IsDB. u COSO Framework: IsDB has obtained COSO certification, which is one of the leading frameworks used to assess the controls of an organisation. An implementation plan is in place to ensure improved controls and governance. u Project Data Governance Framework: A Project Data Governance Framework has been developed with the aim of improving data-related aspects of the project management. It will ensure adherence to international standards of data accuracy, data reliability and data integrity. T H E R O A D T O T H E S D G s | P R O G R E S S A N D A C H I E V E M E N T S [ 255 ]