Together We Stand
[ 20 ] Fostering safer, more resilient communities through innovation and collaboration Christopher C. Chiesa, Ray Shirkhodai and Joseph Bean, Pacific Disaster Center P eople have always lived with disasters and hazards. Millennia before the introduction of remote sensing and space-based imagery, computer-enhanced communications, and GIS mapping technologies, people were trying to survive and reduce the impact of such natural hazards on their communities. Until recently, however, throughout most of human history, the best or only risk-reduction solution was to get out of the way, live in another place. Today, with nearly 7.5 billion people sharing the earth, finding a less hazardous haven that is freely available is seldom an option. Besides, our world has become complex, with nearly 200 distinct states interacting with one another worldwide, while at the same time, some of the most hazardous places on Earth — say, the shores and islands of the Pacific — have emerged as major metropolises. Hazards are not going away and people cannot just run away from them, but evolving technologies and enduring partner- ships offer real solutions for fostering safer, more resilient communities worldwide. Technologies are merely tools, and tools must be both developed and used by people. So, it is in cooperation, collab- oration and joint undertakings that disaster risk reduction (DRR) becomes possible and that we are able to save lives and livelihoods. What’s more, to be effective, the spirit of willing collaboration must be broad, encompassing governments at all levels, civil and military entities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and community leaders; bridging the gaps between science, tech- nology, academia and citizens of every sort. From the viewpoints of both technology and partnership, the keys to success in promoting resilience and DRR are simple enough: easy access to pertinent, accurate information that is readily understandable and actionable for all stakeholders. However, this is challenging as each partner and stakeholder has a unique sets of requirements and capabilities. Yet, on this journey, we cannot afford to leave anyone behind, especially Image: PDC Staff of Indonesia’s BNPB, in a refresher training course on InAWARE at their newly opened emergency operations centre in Jakarta T ogether W e S tand
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