Together We Stand

[ 7 ] LENITA TOIVAKKA, MINISTER FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT, FINLAND Millions of people are in need of humanitarian assistance today. The sad fact is that most of this immense human suffering takes place because of man-made conflicts, in which innocent civilians are the main victims and international humanitarian law is blatantly violated. This is not acceptable in the 21st century. At the same time humanitarian aid workers are reaching more people than ever before. Their unselfsh work defending fundamental human values and dignity in often dangerous circumstances deserves our deep gratitude and respect. The best way for the international community to honour and support humanitarian work is by allowing it to succeed through conflict prevention and resolution, through strengthening resilience and through increased aid resources and effectiveness. My country Finland frmly believes that humanitarian aid will strongly beneft from taking better into account the knowledge and needs of women throughout the planning, implementation and follow-up of operations. Women and girls often suffer the most in situations of emergency, but women also have the knowledge and capacity to address needs and fnd solutions. I am also convinced that it is time to better address the needs of people with disabilities in humanitarian crises. Leaving no one behind is one of the guiding principles in implementing Agenda 2030 and we have often witnessed how people with special needs are the last ones both to receive assistance and to be able to return to normal life in situations of emergency. We all have an opportunity to help those most in need, no matter who we are and where we are. Let us seize this opportunity — it is our responsibility to do so and in the end we will all beneft from it. Lenita Toivakka Minister for International Trade and Development, Finland