By Design
Photos: Name
he problems faced by golf
facilities are often perfectly
clear. The solutions, however,
can be more difficult to identify.
The issues that a club faces may
well be completely new to them. but
ASGCA members have, on average,
experience with 147 different
projects over 29 years. It’s a wealth of
experience upon which to draw, not
to mention the extensive network of
experts they can consult, to develop
the best solution for their clients.
The projects selected for this year’s
Design Excellence Recognition
Program address a wide range of
issues, from making the best use of
a small space for a practice facility,
to the development of a brand new
18-hole golf course within a new
residential community.
One common feature shared by all
the projects featured on the following
pages is that the solutions proposed
by ASGCA members are sustainable;
and their designs have been created
with economic prosperity of the
club in mind, to be an asset for the
society, and to deliver environmental
gain for the long-term.
The fifth annual Design Excellence Recognition Program
highlights some of the most innovative golf design projects to
have been completed in the past year.
Jason Straka, ASGCA
has delivered a design that
significantly reduces water and
resources at a California club.
Read more on page 11.Forrest Richardson, ASGCA
has helped to revitalize a
community with a thoughtfully-
redesigned short course.
Read more on page 12.Todd Clark, ASGCA
has created a pioneering new
golf course that is fully accessible
for people with disabilities.
Read more on page 9.Plaques for ASGCA Design Excellence Recognition Award Program recipients
are provided by Morell Studios. Morell Studios has enjoyed over 40 years of
experience providing museum quality custom awards, plaques and trophies to
prestigious clubs and corporate organizations.