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• Academia Timber Industry Consultative Forum – MTC
currently sits on the curriculum committee of Universiti
Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Teknologi Mara (Jengka) and
Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
• Familiarization programme for university lecturers – exposure
to latest machinery and good production management in an
actual factory environment (‘train the trainers’)
• Technology study/acquisition missions – providing industry
access to hi-tech factories and facilities in developed countries
• Guidebooks – Specifying Timbers and Incentives for Wood-
based Industry, Design Data for Timber Engineering, On-site
Timber Identification and Architectural Use of Timber in
• Glulam Interest Group – comprised of industry members,
engineers and architects, among others, who produced a
Roadmap for the Development of a Glulam Industry in Malaysia.
Outreach and stakeholder engagement
Promotion of SFM and industry development comprises a range
of outreach and stakeholder engagement activities. Apart from
dissemination of information via bulletins and publications, regular
seminars, workshops and dialogues are also conducted for more
direct and meaningful interactions between various stakeholders on
relevant topic and issues. MTC’s stakeholder engagement activities
include an annual familiarization programme for local and foreign
journalists and the Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD).
The MFD Steering Committee is a multi-stakeholder enterprise
comprising representatives from several stakeholder groups, includ-
ing the WWF-Malaysia, Malaysian Nature Society, Business Council
for Sustainability and Responsibility Malaysia, HSBC
Bank Malaysia Bhd, Malaysian Timber Certification
Council (MTCC) and MTC. The primary focus of MFD
is to create a dynamic platform for a multitude of stake-
holders to discuss various issues concerning sustainable
development of forestry and the forest industry. Topics
that have been covered since its inception include:
• Challenges and Opportunities in Financing
Sustainable Forestry and Timber Trade (2006)
• Socio-economic Issues in Financing Sustainable
Forest Management (2007)
• Strategizing Future Directions for the Timber
Industry (2008)
• Forest, Land and People: An Opportunity for
Understanding (2009)
• Code of Conduct: Strengthening Confidence in the
Timber Industry (2011).
Conducted under the Chatham House rule, which
protects the identity of sources to encourage open
and inclusive discourse, the two-day dialogue gener-
ally attracts the participation of approximately 150
representatives from Government agencies, academia,
environmental non-governmental organizations, social
groups and industry members.
Celebrating the International Year of Forests, 2011
By and large, all activities implemented by MTC cele-
brated and amplified the contributions of the nation’s
Improving capacity on environmental protection and health and safety measures
through capacity-building projects under the European Union Forest Law
Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative
Creating awareness on sustainable forest management through
familiarisation programmes for stakeholders
Image: Malaysian Timber Council
Image: Malaysian Timber Council