By Design
ven experienced golfers are
playing fewer rounds as time
in our daily routines becomes
harder to dedicate to golf,” says Damian
Pascuzzo, ASGCA, the architect who,
with partner and tour pro Steve Pate, is
behind the Challenge Course concept.
The courses consist of between nine
and twelve par three holes that can
easily be played in 90 minutes. Each
of the holes is distinctly different, with
multiple large turf tees, providing
options on hole length and angle of
attack to fit all skill levels.
The oversized, undulating greens are one
of the distinguishing features of Challenge
Courses, carefully crafted to create several
different hole locations. Two flags are used
on each hole, with one easier location and
the other more challenging.
“We needed to create something
that will welcome and encourage new
players while providing an enjoyable
and satisfying golf experience for veteran
players,” says Pascuzzo. “It must be
an interesting alternative for players
who don’t have time, or desire, to play
a full sized course. The course can
easily be incorporated into a residential
development and look every bit the part
of a traditional golf course to maintain
desirable views from the homes and
increase lot premiums.”
The two Challenge Courses already
built and operating – at Monarch Dunes
in Nipomo, California, and The Club
at Spurwing, in Meridian, Idaho – are
“demonstrably versatile, fun and short,
and appeal to everyone from those
curious about trying out the game to
seasoned players,” says Pascuzzo.
“One of our clients uses an eight inch
cup at their easier flags to provide an
interesting option for their players,”
explains Pascuzzo. “Green surrounds
are crafted and shaped to present
different types of recovery shots. Lakes
and bunkers are strategically placed to
defend certain portions of the green
while leaving open access to others. Turf
selections vary depending on climate
but superintendents are encouraged
to lower green speeds to balance the
contours of the putting surfaces. The
result is a remarkably versatile golf
course that appeals to a broad spectrum
of players who find it a fun and
challenging way to play golf.”
Nipomo, California,
and Meridian, Idaho
Damian Pascuzzo, ASGCA
Steve Pate, PGA
Pascuzzo & Pate Golf Design
www.pascuzzopate.comProject summary:
To attract new players, Damian
Pascuzzo, ASGCA and Steve Pate,
PGA developed the Challenge
Course concept. With two facilities
already open for play, these courses
consist of nine or twelve par three
holes with oversized greens and
multiple large turf tees on each hole
to provide options for length and
attack angle for all skill levels.
Woodland Ventures LLC
Sundance Development
The Toro Company
West Coast Turf
Turf Seed
United GLI
Wadsworth Golf Construction
Image: Aidan Bradley