n 2011, Furman University’s
golf teams began discussing
construction of a short game
practice area near its REK Team
Clubhouse. Although the teams had
a practice tee and putting green at
the back end of the golf course’s
driving range, these facilities were
not adequate to replicate all the shots
they faced in competition. At the
same time, the coaches recognized
the need to grow the game, cater to
junior golf camps, provide quality
practice facilities for Furman’s touring
professionals, and create a place
for donors to gather. The challenge
became accomplishing all these goals
in one place.
The teams consulted Furman
alumnus Scot Sherman, ASGCA as
it looked for a solution. North of
the team’s existing practice tee the
university maintained several small
buildings used by astronomers
from the institution’s physics
department. Sherman suggested a
win-win situation that would see
the relocation of the astronomers’
telescopes to less developed areas
of campus, and allow the teams to
use this adjacent five-acre plot.
Once all parties agreed,
Sherman proposed a new
multi-use facility. The
design allows for teaching
tee and driving range use
in one direction, while
also providing shots of up to 200
yards to be played in the opposite
direction onto greens maintained at
competition level.
At certain times, the short game area
is used for golfers to hit approach, chip
and bunker shots ‘from anywhere,
to anywhere.’ At other times, a seven
hole, par-three loop can be used for
competition or social purposes.
“The new facility has attracted all the
folks we had hoped for,” says Sherman.
“The expert player will find every type
of shot and putt needed to sharpen his
game. On the other hand, there is no
better way to attract new golfers than
through building facilities that promote
putting and short game development –
we have done both here.”
Greenville, South Carolina
Scot Sherman, ASGCA
Project summary:
Scot Sherman, ASGCA helps create
a multi-purpose practice facility at a
university campus in South Carolina
that includes a par-three course, short
game practice and driving range.
MacCurrach Golf Construction
Tony Altum, Irrigation Design
Smith Turf & Irrigation – Toro
Golf Agronomics
Corbin Turf & Ornamental Supply
www.furmangolfclub.comFURMAN UNIVERSITY GC