Elite courses like Pebble Beach Golf Links have
discovered the power of IC Systems. See what IC
can do for you at
Taking an easier path
to world-class conditions.
That’s intelligent.
RainBird is theofficial irrigation supplierofPebbleBeachResorts®.
PebbleBeach®, PebbleBeachGolf Links®, PebbleBeachResorts®, The LoneCypress™, TheHeritage logo and theirunderlying
distinctive images are trademarks, serivcemarks and tradedressofPebbleBeachCompany. Usedbypermission.
Control Module
Rain Bird
IC Systems
—pinpoint control and diagnostics for every single rotor.
With a control module built into each rotor, IC Systems from Rain Bird give you an innovative
solution for field control—one that eliminates the challenges of satellites and decoders. Now you can
manage your system rotor by rotor and track advanced diagnostics down to every individual head.
Because achieving elite playing conditions isn’t about working harder—it’s about working smarter.