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Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of Environment and Forests, Government of India
Forests in India are integral to environment, economy, culture and traditions. They provide a range of
essential ecosystem services in addition to valuable timber, fuelwood, fodder and non-timber forest
products (NTFP) for sustainable livelihood of rural people and forest-dependent communities.
The National Forest Policy, 1988 provides the roadmap for sustainable management of forest with people’s
participation through Joint Forest Management which is based upon a ‘care and share’ principle. This,
coupled with enactment of supportive acts, provides a sound legal framework to the forest management and
ecological security of the country.
In accordance with the Millennium Development Goals, India has taken steps to make an impact on poverty
by promoting NTFP development for people living in and around forests for sustenance and supplemental
income. The recently launched Green India Mission, one of the missions under the National Action Plan on
Climate Change, acknowledges the role of the forestry sector in environmental amelioration through climate
mitigation, food and water security, biodiversity conservation and livelihood security of forest-dependent
communities and strives for increase in forest cover of 5 million hectares as well as quality improvement of
another 5 million hectares.
While addressing the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities – focusing on poverty alleviation
and maintaining the habitat of Protected Area Networks for wildlife management – India is one of the few
countries where the forest and tree cover has shown an increase of around 3 million hectares between 1997
and 2007, as well as improving quality of life by promoting urban greening in towns and metro cities, such as
Delhi, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Bangalore.
I wish all success to the UNFF for its endeavour in bringing out this landmark publication,
Forests for People
in the International Year of Forests, 2011.
Jayanthi Natarajan
Minister of Environment and Forests
Government of India