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Eskil Erlandsson, Minister for Rural Affairs, Sweden
As the Minister for Rural Affairs in Sweden I am responsible for forest and forestry issues and, as a forester
myself, forests are of great importance to me.
A central theme in how we use our natural resources in Sweden is that they should be used but not
overused. Forests are of great economic significance in Sweden. The major part of Sweden’s land area is
covered by productive forests and they need to be used wisely and with a long-term perspective.
At the same time there are other values to be considered. Swedish forestry and forest policy was early
to recognize sustainable resource utilization and to adopt ambitious targets for biodiversity conservation.
Forest management in Sweden today acknowledges two equal aims including both production objectives
and environmental considerations. This is in line with the concept of sustainable forest management
which considers economic, ecological and social aspects of forest management. Most Swedes have a close
relationship with the forest and thanks to the Right of Public Access, almost all forests are open for visitors.
Sweden is largely defined by its forests. Its ‘Forest Kingdom’ concept has become a vision as well as a policy
programme initiated by the Swedish Government. The main objective is to create new jobs related to forests
in Sweden and to help economic development especially in the rural areas. Sustainability is a central theme.
The global context is also a priority in Sweden’s ‘Forest Kingdom’ vision which includes facilitating forest
know-how overseas. This UNFF publication is an excellent initiative which gathers information and stories
about forests from all over the world and it is with great pleasure that I look back at an international year for
the forest. It has highlighted the important role forests play for the well-being of mankind.
Eskil Erlandsson
Minister for Rural Affairs