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problem of forest fires is being introduced to the young population
through educational institutions and specially tailored programmes
and activities, with the purpose of raising awareness and norms of
behaviour from the earliest age to avoid and minimize future damage
by forest fire.
Following international commitments, along with its own initia-
tives and interests, the Republic of Croatia has developed a national
ecological network which represents a system of interconnected
and contiguous environmentally important areas that significantly
contribute to the preservation of natural balance and biodiversity
through their balanced biogeographical distribution. In such an
ecological network, forest ecosystems with extremely rich biodiver-
sity are fundamentally important elements.
A branch of the Croatian Forest Society – a non-governmental
institution founded by foresters in order to protect the interests
of the profession, achieve optimal economic development, and
preserve the environment and general quality of life – organized
exhibitions of photos entitled ‘Forest through the Eyes of a Forester’.
The initiative sprang out of the love of humans toward forests and
the wish to raise awareness among the general public about the
value and benefits of forests. The exhibition emphasized the impor-
tance of forests, water, air and environment as seen through the
camera lens of foresters and amateur photographers. Starting off as
a modest and amateur exhibition, it has achieved the status of an
internationally acclaimed exhibition at which authors from a dozen
different countries exhibit their work. ‘Forest through the Eyes of
a Forester’ reached its peak and acclamation with a display at the
UN headquarters in New York at the official opening ceremony of
the International Year of Forests, 2011, in the ninth UNFF session.
To facilitate the efforts of the international community, and also
to convey its own experiences and understanding of the importance
of forests for humans, the Republic of Croatia launched the initiative
to declare the International Year of Forests in the fifth
UNFF session in 2005, which the Resolution 61/193
of the UN General Assembly enacted on 20 December
2006. With the whole world celebrating 2011 as the
International Year of Forests, the Republic of Croatia
is especially proud that forests are getting the attention
they deserve on a global level, knowing that the way
forests are treated in any part of our planet affects the
quality of life for each human on Earth.
Culture of
Pinus halepensis
Kinopokus workshop
Image: Tomislav Lukši
Image: Gordana Bajurin, Kinookus Food Film Festival
School children’s drawings on the theme of forest fires
Image: Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management