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Sustainable forest management in Slovakia
Boris Greguška, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic,
Section of Forestry and Wood Processing,
udmila Marušáková
and Milan Sarvaš, National Forest Centre, Zvolen, Slovakia
lovakia (the Slovak Republic) is a country with a relatively
high share of forest land. The total forest coverage is more
than 40 per cent and as a result of diverse natural condi-
tions and terrain, a broad variety of forest types is represented.
Forests have long been a part of life for many people living in
Slovakia’s rural and mountainous areas. As a result of societal and
political developments, the relationship between people and forests
has been changing in recent centuries, affecting their use, manage-
ment and protection. A long tradition of active and systematic forest
management in Slovakia can be documented by several examples,
notably in the field of education and research. The foundation of the
Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica by the Austrian Empress Maria
Theresa in 1762 was significant as forestry subjects were taught,
probably for the first time at university level anywhere in the world.
The foundation of the Forest Research Institute in 1898 represented
another important historical milestone in this regard.
National forest policy
The National Forest Programme (NFP), adopted by the
Slovak Government on 27 June 2007, and its Action
Plan, adopted on 11 June 2008, are fundamental stra-
tegic documents that constitute national forest policy in
Slovakia. The main objectives of the NFP are to imple-
ment sustainable forest management (SFM) and to
enhance multifunctionality of forests. Based on current
forest policy documents, processes and commitments
that have been adopted at national and international
levels, it provides updated forest policy priorities and
constitutes a framework to build relationships and assess
the impacts of other sectors on forests and forestry.
Sustainable forest management, as defined by the
pan-European forest policy process (the Ministerial
Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe/
Forest Europe) is a fundamental principle of the
Protective forest functions are vital in the mountainous regions of Slovakia
Image: B. Greguška