Africa Civil Society
www.wsis-cs.org/africaAlgerian Ministry for Post, Information Technology & Communications
www.postelecom.dzBelgacom International Carrier Services
www.bics.beBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
www.bsnl.co.inCommunications & Information Technology Commision of Saudi Arabia
www.citc.gov.saComputer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
www.cnic.ac.cnCrimsonLogic Pte. Ltd.
www.crimsonlogic.com.sgDepartment of Communications, South Africa
www.doc.gov.zaDeutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH
www.gtz.deDirectorate General of Telecommunications
www.dgt.gov.twEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
www.unescap.orgEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia
www.escwa.org.lbEconomic Commission for Africa
www.uneca.orgEconomic Commission for Europe
www.unece.orgEconomic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean
www.eclac.clEgyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
www.mcit.gov.egFood and Agriculture Organization
www.fao.orgGerman Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
www.bmz.deGrameen Bank
www.gdrc.org/icm/grameen-info.htmH.H.Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum IT Education Project
www.ict.gov.qaINBMI, Tunisian Ministry of Education & Training
www.edunet.tnInfocomm Development Authority of Singapore
www.ida.gov.sgIntel Corporation
www.intel.comInter-American Development Bank
www.iadb.orgInternational Fund for Agricultural Development
www.ifad.orgInternational Labour Organization
www.ilo.orgInternational Telecommunications Union
International Trade Centre
www.intracen.orgInternet Society of China
www.isc.org.cnIranian Ministry of Information & Communications Technology
www.ict.gov.irJEMR Consulting Company
www.unisdr.org/eng/hfa/country/mongolia-E-Soum-Proposal.docKorea Agency for Digital Opportunities and Promotion
www.kado.or.krMalaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
www.cmc.gov.myMaroc Telecom
www.iam.net.maMassachusetts Institute of Technology
http://web.mit.eduMinistry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
www.formin.fiM S Swaminathan Foundation
www.mssrf.orgNational Internet Development Agency of Korea
www.nida.or.krNational Telecommunications Commission of Thailand
www.ntc.or.thNet Dialogue
www.netdialogue.orgNetpia Inc.
www.netpia.comNumber Resource Organization
www.nro.netOrganization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
www.oasis-open.orgReliance Infocomm Ltd.
www.relianceinfo.comSara Holding
www.saraholding.com.saSiemens AG
www.ic.siemens.comSingapore Internet Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University
www.ntu.edu.sgSyrian Telecommunications Establishment
Transparency International
www.transparency.orgUnited Nations ICT Task Force
www.undesa.orgUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
www.unesco.orgUnited Nations Human Settlements Programme
www.unhabitat.orgUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization
www.unido.orgUnited Nations Office at Geneva
www.unog.chUnited Nations Population Fund
www.unfpa.orgUnited Nations University
www.unu.orgUnited Nations Volunteers
www.unv.orgUniversal Postal Union
World Bank
www.worldbank.orgWorld Meteorological Organization
www.wmo.orgZTE Corporation
www.zte.com.cnWith thanks to all the authors listed in the contents section plus the below individuals for their support in making
Digital Reach
Aake Bjoerke, Nagahashi Chise, Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, Andrew Dale, Frederic Decollogny, Natalie Domeisen, Carol Geyer, Sandra Graham, Misako Ito, Terry Jeggle,
Nia Lewis, Edward Mishaud, Enrica Murmura, Juliana Nel, Dalia Osman, Carine Richard-Van Maela, Nevine Tewfik, David Woolnough
Edited by Sanjay Acharya of the International Telecommunications Union and Michelle Dhillon, Stuart Fairbrother, Jacqui Griffiths, Adam Lawrence and John Liddle of Tudor Rose.
Compiled by Sean Nicklin, Ben Cornwell and Ced Ingleton of Tudor Rose.
With thanks to the following organisations for their support in making
Digital Reach