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technology (ICT) is an
increasingly important tool for social and economic develop-
ment and is the driving force behind the transition towards
economies and societies based on information and knowledge.
For developing the transition economies, ICT can provide a means
to leapfrog some long and painful stages in the development
process, and help to stimulate growth and prosperity.
The United Nations Regional Commissions – the Economic
Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic Commission for
Europe (ECE), the Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and the Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) – are playing a leadership
and catalytic role to provide digital opportunities and harness the
growth potential of ICT. They provide an interface between differ-
ent ICT layers and the development community, bringing together
public and private sectors, foundations and donors to develop
initiatives and modalities aimed at building ICT capacities for devel-
oping countries and countries with economies in transition.
The regional perspective is an indispensable intermediate stage
in bringing together national particularities and global require-
ments for the Information Society. This has been demonstrated
during the Geneva 2003 WSIS process, especially by the regional
consultations and negotiations that resulted in the Declarations of
Bamako (Africa), Bavaro (Latin America and the Caribbean), Beirut
(Western Asia), Bucharest (Europe and North America) and Tokyo
(Asia Pacific), which provided major inputs for the WSIS
Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action.
This has continued with the preparation of the second phase
of WSIS as a result of the regional conferences held in Brazil (Latin
America and the Caribbean), Ghana (Africa), Greece (Europe),
Islamic Republic of Iran (Asia and the Pacific), and Syria (Western
Asia), with concrete Regional Action Plans and Roadmaps.
As the world prepares for Tunis, the role of the Regional
Commissions will be critical more than ever in the implementation
of the Regional Action Plans that will be adopted in Tunis, where the
work on building the Information Society will gather momentum.
The post-Tunis phase will require technical assistance, capac-
ity building and training, facilitating peer dialogue, exchange of
experience and promoting good practices; and in the implemen-
tation of national and regional Information Society strategies and
Information Society:
regional initiatives and activities
United Nations Regional Commissions
ECA has implemented the Africa Informal Society Initiative (AISI)