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sustainable forest management in pursuit of maximizing forest
functions. In particular, the plan highlights the importance of
forest functions in responding to climate change. Under the plan,
the KFS fosters the forests as important environmental and social
resources, thereby establishing a foundation for a sustainable
welfare society, and pursues forest-related industries as a ‘blue
ocean strategy’ – which can contribute to the national economy.
The KFS focuses on promoting systematic implementation of
forest conservation and management for the purpose of achieving
well-balanced land development and conservation. It also plays a
central role in natural disaster prevention efforts, which is improv-
ing health and vitality of ecosystems and contributing to public
safety and environment conservation. It further highlights forests’
recreational and cultural functions for improving quality of life and
living environments both in urban areas and mountain
villages as well as providing welfare benefits for the
people. The overall vision of the fifth plan is ‘to realize
a green nation with sustainable welfare and growth’
by sustainably managing forests as key resources for
strengthening national economic development, land
conservation and improved quality of life.
Enhancement of diverse forest benefits and
services for the people
Driven by the recently increased public awareness of the
environment, the public value of the forests is surpass-
ing their economic value. The total forest value was
measured at US$14 billion in 1987 but has soared up to
Water quality improvement is just one of the key public values of forests
Image: Korea Forest Service