Planting native forests to fight climate change.................................. 81
Merryn Coutts, Greenfleet, Australia
The case for climate and forest action............................................... 84
Ambassador Hans Brattskar, Director General for International Climate
Policy in the Department for Climate Change and Pollution Control,
Ministry of Environment, Norway
Forest governance at global, regional and local levels....................... 86
Jeremy Rayner and Alexander Buck, International Union of
Forest Research Organizations
Forests and food security................................................................. 89
Fred Kafeero, Forestry Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization
Working towards sustainable development through small forest
Laura Schweitzer Meins, Sophie Grouwels and Rao Matta, Food and
Agriculture Organization
Two decades of forest investment best practice................................ 93
Ian Gray, Ulrich Apel, Linda S. Heath, Jean Marc Sinnassamy, SFM/
REDD+ Team and Gustavo A.B. da Fonseca, Team Leader, Natural
Resources, the Global Environment Facility
How bamboo can help bring about a pro-poor, green economy........ 96
Tim Cronin, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
Multiplying socio-economic benefits from sustainable forestry......... 99
Cheah Kam Huan, Chief Executive Officer, Malaysian Timber Council
Forests in a green economy............................................................103
Niklas Hagelberg, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya
German forests
nature and economics........................................108
Matthias Schwoerer, European and International Forest Policy, Federal
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Germany
A green economy and rural livelihoods in Europe’s most
forested country.............................................................................112
Marjukka Mähönen, Department of Forest, Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry, Finland and Fran Weaver, TMI Francis Weaver
Investing in sustainable timberland: returns, environmental
and social benefits, bioenergy and forest fuel.................................116
Reinhold Glauner, WaKa – Forest Investment Services AG, Winterthur,
Obeying nature: forest management in Slovenia.............................120
Aleksander Golob, Senior Advisor, Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Food
A national forest programme run for people and by people............125
José M. Solano, Head of Forest Planning and Management, Ministry of
Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Spain
National forest policy and programme development in Serbia........128
Predrag Jovi
, National Forest Programme Focal Point and Dr Saša
, Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water
Management of Serbia – Directorate of Forests
Thirty years of sustainable forest management in Africa..................131
Ken B. Johm, Manager, Natural Resources & Environment, Olagoke
Oladapo, Principal Agro Economist and Albert Mwangi, Senior Forestry
Officer, African Development Bank
Sustainability indicators, decision-making and people....................135
Diana Vötter, Marja Kolström and Rach Colling,
European Forest Institute
Sustainable forest management in Australia. ..................................139
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Institutional investment in sustainable forestry..............................142
David Brand and MaryKate Hanlon, New Forests Pty Ltd, Australia
Image: courtesy of the Anji Bamboo Society