United States support for forests and people around the world......211
Thomas L. Tidwell, Chief of the US Forest Service, US Department
of Agriculture
Learning from community-based forest management in Nepal.......214
Resham B. Dangi, Deputy Director General, Department of Forests, Nepal
Voices of the forest: building partnerships for community
forestry in Cambodia......................................................................217
Prabha Chandran, RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests
German Development Cooperation in the forest sector – capacity
development for benefiting people.................................................221
Heiko Warnken, Head of Department Environment, Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
Tropical forests for local people......................................................225
Steven Johnson, Communications Unit, International Tropical Timber
‘Pleasant be Thy hills, O Earth
Thy snow clad mountains and
Thy woods’: greening the mountains in the
Indian Himalayan Region...............................................................228
L.M.S. Palni, P.P. Dhyani, B.P. Kothyari, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan
Environment and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora, Uttarakhand,
India and P.K. Samal, North East Unit of Institute, Vivek Vihar, Itanagar,
Arunachal Pradesh, India
Indigenous peoples, fire and forest management in Australia.........231
Cathy J. Robinson, Alan N. Andersen, Ashley Sparrow, Marcus B. Lane,
Rosemary Hill and Michael Battaglia, Greenhouse Gas Abatement,
Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, CSIRO, Australia
A forestry joint venture on indigenous land in New Zealand...........234
George Asher, Lake Taupo and Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust, New Zealand
Chile: a country with a forestry tradition........................................238
Gerardo Tornquist Fernández, Corporación Nacional Forestal, Chile
The work of the Convention on Biological Diversity.......................242
Johannes Stahl and Tim Christophersen, Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity
Restoring connectivity of people and ecosystems in the Greater
Mekong Subregion.........................................................................245
David McCauley, Javed Mir and Rowena Soriaga, Asian Development Bank
Forests and people: Brazilian policies and initiatives......................248
João de Deus Medeiros, Forest Department, Ministry of the Environment, Brazil
Conserving forest biodiversity in the ASEAN region. ......................252
Rodrigo U. Fuentes and Norman Emmanuel C. Ramirez, ASEAN Centre
for Biodiversity, Philippines
Restoring and managing forest landscapes for better lives...............256
Stephen Kelleher, Deputy Head, Forest Conservation Programme,
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Forests and people in the United States.........................................259
Thomas L. Tidwell, Chief of the US Forest Service, US Department
of Agriculture
Forest resources and activities in Turkey........................................263
Dr Mahir Küçük, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Forestry
and Water Affairs, Turkey
Mexico’s forestry policy..................................................................268
Juan Manuel Torres Rojo, Director General of the National Forestry
Commission, Mexico
Afforestation in Israel
reclaiming ecosystems and combating
David Brand, Itzhak Moshe, Moshe Shaler, Aviram Zuk and
Dr Joseph Riov, Department of Forestry, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael –
Jewish National Fund
Sabah shows the way to sustainability............................................277
Frederick Kugan, Deputy Director, Sabah Forestry Department,
Malaysian Borneo
The Sahara Forest Project
enabling restorative growth................281
Joakim Hauge, CEO, Sahara Forest Project
Conservation and sustainable management of forests
in Saudi Arabia...............................................................................285
Mohamed Al-Shiha, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Affairs, Ministry of
Agriculture, Saudi Arabia and El Mostafa Darfaoui, Natural Resources
Expert, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s forest monitoring
Dr Masanobu Shimada, Earth Observation Research Center, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
Foreseeing the forests: vegetation dynamics in an
earth system model........................................................................291
Michio Kawamiya, Tomohiro Hajima, Tatsushi Tokioka,
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Tropical rainforest monitoring with ALOS/PALSAR in Brazil and
Masatoshi Kamei, Makoto Ono, Tsutomu Yamanokuchi, Nobuhiro
Tomiyama and Takashi Ogawa, Remote Sensing Technology
Center of Japan
Collaborative research to enhance benefits and
livelihoods from forests..................................................................298
Tony Bartlett, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Youth and nature: next generation awareness.................................302
Nico Boele, Ranger, Westerkwartier, Jenny van Leeuwen, Ranger,
Balijbos, Erna van de Wiel, Senior Policy Officer, Recreation and Youth,
National Forest Service, Netherlands
Reading the forest in Iceland..........................................................305
Throstur Eysteinsson, Division Chief, National Forests, Iceland Forest
Service and Olafur Oddsson, Project Leader, Iceland Forest Service
Notes and References.....................................................................308