Sustainable forest management in New Zealand.............................146
Alan Reid, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, New Zealand
Benefits of sustainable forestry management..................................150
Peter Clinton, Brian Richardson and Margaret Horner, Scion, New Zealand
Progressive and sustainable practices in commercial forest
Akito Kataoka, Sumitomo Forestry, Japan
Sustainable plantation management through certification..............158
Canecio Munoz, Sinar Mas Forestry, Indonesia
Korea’s National Forest Plans for green growth and
sustainable development................................................................162
Chong-ho Park, Director-General of Forest Resources Bureau, Korea Forest Service
Changing perspectives on forests through broad stakeholder
engagement: the Model Forest approach........................................166
Peter Besseau, Christa Mooney, Richard Verbisky, Virginie-Mai Hô and
Nicolas Duval-Mace, International Model Forest Network Secretariat,
Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service
Forest management and sustainable development in Argentina......171
Mirta Rosa Larrieu, Director, Forestry Production Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Argentina
Promoting legal timber trade for sustainable forest management....174
Marieke Wit and René Boot, Tropenbos International; Ton van der
Zon, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Ghana; Marnix Becking,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rob Busink, Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Agriculture and Innovation, the Netherlands
Forests and forestry in Denmark
thousands of years of interaction
between man and nature................................................................177
Christian Lundmark Jensen, Coordinator on International Forest Policy, Nature
Planning and Biodiversity, Danish Ministry of the Environment Nature Agency
Norwegian forests: policy and resources.........................................181
Pål Vidar Sollie, Director General, Department of Forest and Natural
Resource Policy, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food
a forest kingdom...........................................................185
Marcus Öhman, Ministry for Rural Affairs, Sweden and Björn Merkell,
Swedish Forest Agency
Forest ecosystems in the Republic of
Croatia’s ecological network...........................................................189
ko Juri
, Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water
Management, Republic of Croatia
Lithuania’s sustainable forests........................................................193
Gediminas Jasinevi
ius, Department of Forests, Ministry of Environment,
Sustainable forest management in Slovakia.....................................196
Boris Greguška, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the
Slovak Republic, Section of Forestry and Wood Processing,
udmila Marušáková and Milan Sarvaš, National Forest Centre,
Zvolen, Slovakia
Forest Stewardship Council certification:
forests for people, in practice.........................................................199
Alistair Monument, Forest Stewardship Council
Community forestry in Honduras as a
bulwark against deforestation.........................................................203
Benjamin Hodgdon, Projects Manager, Rainforest Alliance
TREES program
Empowering local communities in forest ecotourism. ....................207
H.O. Mohd Shahwahid, Professor and Deputy Dean, Industry and Society
Networking, Faculty of Economics and Management and Research
Associate, Institute of Tropical Forest and Forest Product, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia